
Can anyone help with any advice?

by Guest56845  |  earlier

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I just recently got some scars on my arm, and there is just so much stuff out there to help fade them. I just want to ask if anyone had used anything they know works. Or can you get a prescription for it, that might work better then the over the counter stuff?

Has anyone tried the Silicone Sheets to remove scars?

I just don't want to go and spend money on something that wont work, so i figured id ask here first.

Thanks for ANY help.




  1. Hi, maybe the advice on this board will help you decide. It's a site for buyers of scar-reduction products, & the final commenters say they found creams more effective than sheets.

    Also that they found it difficult to keep the sheets in place.

  2. I tried maderma for kids on my 4 year old...and i can say its a sorry...well maderma anyways...good luck

  3. Hi there,

    Acne scars are stubborn, and no single treatment is best for everyone. Various procedures can improve your complexion, however. One option may be to inject collagen or fat under the skin and into the acne scars. This fills out or stretches the skin, which makes acne scars less noticeable. Results are temporary, so you'd need to repeat the injections periodically. As another option, you may consider microdermabrasion to remove the cells on the surface of the skin or dermabrasion to completely remove the top layer of skin. Various laser treatments can also be used to treat acne scars. In some cases, surgery to remove deeply indented acne scars is an option. To determine what's best for you, discuss the pros and cons of each procedure with your doctor or dermatologist.

  4. First off, drinking water daily as well as using Neosporin when you have cuts helps... somewhat.

    Some people claim that Bio Oil helps scars over time. Your best bet is to see a Dermatologist though.

  5. the best solution is time well it takes around three month for a minor scar to fade away but if you want to try something then you should apply your own saliva i know it may sound weird but nothing better and natural than your own product.  

  6. Vitamin E oil - and it's inexpensive

  7. vitamin E does well for scars :)

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