
Can anyone help with my kitten

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My nine week old kitten has got diarrhea i think its because she was on jelly kitten food but i now have given the gravy kitten whiskers , she is still eating and playing as usually , but my problem is she has got her first jabs tomorrow and i was wondering if she will be ok to have them ? thanks for any answers xx




  1. Perhaps it's the sudden change of food. She is only 9 weeks old after all, maybe putting her on the kitten food would be better then wean her onto the other food when shes a little older.

  2. Well m cat had the same problem but after a while he got better your cat should get used to the food, or the food might just give ur gat diarreha so maybe you should give it a diff food becuz the food we gave my cat at first gave him severe diarreha so we changed his food and he was ok

  3. Some kittens can't handle the richness of wet food, and need to have it mixed with a little dry kibble.  If you have been giving her pasteurized milk, that will cause problems to.  Kittens/Cats cannot digest this kind of milk, and need special formula.  I would call your vet, and let him/her know what is happening and rule out any health issues.  If you have seen a vet recently, and the kitten has had it's shots, sometimes one of the side effects is diarrhea, but you still need to let your vet know.

  4. She probably has the diarrhea from an abrupt change in her diet.  You should always gradually introduce new food to any animal.  She could also have the diarrhea due to intestinal parasites.  (very common in kittens)  I would definately go to the vet tomorrow and bring along a stool sample for testing.  If they do decide to hold off on the vaccines, which they may, they can at least give her something to help with the diarrhea.

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