
Can anyone help with the meaning of this Albert Einstein quote?

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"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security."




  1. no

  2. That humans aren't seperate from the universe, but a part of the universe. Human beings put themselves above everything else, not realizing that we need each and every person, plant, animal, and ocean, to live in this world. Once we realize that we are all one body, and that we make up a whole, we will be more complete and get more satisfied.

  3. Basically it means you should always have a litter bag in your car, it doesn't take much space and if it gets full, jus' toss it out the window.

  4. he is saying we are all too close minded

  5. Here's my interpretation of it.

    The universe technically includes EVERYTHING, so a human being is thus part of the universe.

    The universe is big and we see the universe from our own two eyes.  That is the optical delusion.  I think in Einstein's eyes, the only way we would not have that optical delusion is if we could see the universe as a whole from every point of view.

    Since we see things only through our own two eyes, we tend to focus on the things close to us and those things become what we are passionate about.

    I think he is trying to say that we need to be passionate about more, be caring about more, widen our perspective to be passionate about a larger number of things around us that we normally aren't.  There is so much around us that it is impossible to be passionate regarding everything, but it is the striving act that is what counts and makes us feel better inside.

  6. Well I'm dutch so I will try and do my best . Don't mind any mistakes in spelling please.

    Well since the BIG BANG scientist believe that everything started from one particle that expanded. That would mean that we and everything are made off the same "stardust" only put together in different shapes or forms. So for example we need other shapes and forms to shape and form ourselves. Like when we eat and our body grows for instance.

    Now what he probably really meant was the snare theory, which states that everything is made out of smaller particles then lets say molecules. And so everything is actually made up from vibrations so whe are linked by vibration to everything else we know. Now he was a scientist and therefore didn't believe in a God as we know God to be. Actually if we are linked to everything else and we call that whole thing god, that would mean you and I are god.

    I know it sounds weird but just hang on , don't forget you asked ;-)

    So when even thoughts are making vibrations ( something that scientist are now starting to believe) that would make your imagination God itself, because nóthing can be created in this world without imagination. Now this thought works scary for some, because that means you are responsible for your own enviroment or situation. But in Einstein's case it worked very liberating for it means that we can reach an unlimited potential. Whilst not having to depend on laws and restrictions brought in to this world by the creation of others. And if you are not having to depend on others then that will make you free.

    For example if we were to go to jail we would be very miserable, but einstein could maybe have seen it as some quiet alone time to make yet another great discovery (a stupid example but you get the point)

    It is what you think, that will make you what you are, or can become in life.

    There are many teachings (on what for example the very commercial book "the secret"is based) that I know of in which einstein was very interested. ( altough maybe in his own way once again)

    For instance or any information look up some lectures from Neville Goddard. Just read lesson 1 up to 5

    Not because I feel in any way the need to persuede you or something just to challenge your mind a bit.

    good luck and greetings from Holland

  7. We are all small and insignificant.  Only by not focusing on the minutia of our own small circle of friends and family can we become greater.  By focusing on the universe as a whole not our tiny little speck of it.

  8. Basically it means - break out of your shell and experience all that life has to offer with an open mind.

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