
Can anyone help with this psyk homework?

by  |  earlier

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ok guys its a psychology project!

I've got to ask 20 questions i have to use in an interview with ten different people. the topic is sexuality.....

I need about 10 more questions and they cant just be "yes/no" ones.

its due tomorrow (i know, im sorry)

so if you can think of anything PLEASE TELL ME!!

thanks for the help guys :)




  1. What is lower school?  I don't even know what age that is, so it's hard to figure out what is appropriate for questions.

    You could try:

    What age was your first kiss?

    What age was your first sexual experience?

    What age do you think is acceptable for one's first sexual experience?

  2. Are you adverse to homosexuality?

    Do you perceive a difference in the level of morality or immorality when regarding male vs. female homosexuality?

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