
Can anyone here tell me why JOHN MCCAIN did NOT pick MITT ROMNEY to run for VICE PRESIDENT ?

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I was hoping he would. Romney is excellent when it comes to

economic issues. And he has great credentials on his record

concerning business deals, and cutting taxes. Can you say super

entrepreneur......... Here you have a woman names Sarah Palin.

Who is nothing but a fraud, and pretends to be anti oil. Yeah, sure

she is. Not only that but she is too far right, and that is a dagger in

the heart of those hopeful yet blissfully stubborn Hillary supporters.

Hey Hillary. *kiss* Anyway. Mitt Romney should have been the

nominee VP for the GOP. So why on Earth did he get put under

the bus. Why ? I know why. Because the Republicans hate their

own base. That's why !!!! Do you agree ?




  1. Probably because of his Mormon beliefs, and conservatives hate anybody who doesnt jibe their Protestant beliefs.  

  2. Poor judgment.  Apparently the McCain campaign thinks that they will pick up millions of Clinton supporters just by putting a woman on the ticket.  If the woman had ideals that were anywhere near Senator Clinton's ideals, it might have worked.  He will be lucky to pick up 2,000 of Clinton's woman supporters with that pick.

    I don't see Governor Palin helping the ticket in any other than keeping the base from straying, which is pretty locked up anyways.

  3. Mitt Romney is as phony as the day is long and that was apparent to everyone but you I guess.

    Sarah Palin seems to be kind of a cynical pick to me.  She doesn't bring much to the table other than being a woman.  I think Condi Rice or Christie Whitman would have been far better female candidates.  Also, Palin really makes it hard for McCain to criticize Obama's experience without sounding fairly foolish.  I doubt that women, especially those that supported Hillary, are gonna flock to McCain because of Palin.  I know I won't.

  4. Romney got millions of votes but spoke the truth about McCain, his ignorance on the economy, his explosive temper, his flip flopping, his lack of charisma and or message, and John didn't like it

  5. I would have bet that he was picking Romney.

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