
Can anyone hook me up with a Boxers Training Routine?

by Guest65500  |  earlier

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Guys im at light wieght class at 130 pounds. 5 feet 6 inches, good physical appearance, but id like a nice training routine to go by, iv trained for body definition, so now i want to take the step into actually going to the boxers routine. Can anyone give me a week's routine, links or one that has been used, i would also like to increase atleast to 135 pounds, ideas, suggestions, recommendations welcome. Between, boxing is in the olympics right?




  1. - run 5 miles every morning

    - stretch warm-down for 30 minutes

    - eat breakfast

    - shadow box2 rounds

    - speedbag 2 rounds

    - jumprope 2 rounds

    - spar 5 rounds

    - shadowbox 2 rounds

    on alternate days, you take out the last 5 steps and do:

    - focus mitts 3 rounds

    - heavybag 3 rounds

    - crunches, situps

  2. well you don't wan to over do it but the first week run 1 mile every day and the second week 2 miles and so on up to 5 then start over then

    do 20 push ups 3 times a day50 sit ups  2 times a day

    work on speed and agility

    speed rounds and stuff

    get lots of carbs and fruit and lay off the sweets

    And yes Boxing is in the olympics hahha lol i'll come see you in 4 years =)

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