
Can anyone interpret dreams?

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i just realized i keep having this weird recurring dream

i'm with my sister in almost all of these dreams, i'm 16 she's 15 if that has anything to do with anything.

so i always end up in some strange house i'm not supposed to be in and there's a very narrow stair case about 1ft wide i see my sister always go up on the side of the room and then this masked guy with a cape always pops out behind us and says "you shouldn't be lurking around here" or something like that so we run out really fast out of the house and down the street but not towards our house. then we're in some store and i can see him waiting down the street with these two knives. i've contacted the police (in my dreams) and they don't believe us and make fun of us (i can here them talking sometimes in my dream about us) i've tried shooting him before but he's like invincible. always hiding or running after because i know he can catch me and kill me.

so yeah, it's really freaking weird and i just realized it keeps recurring




  1. You care very deeply for your sister and are afraid she will be hurt without your protection. But being a realist, you understand you can't be there all the time. The stranger is symbolic and the call to the police is likewise. The dream only reflects your protective nature. You'll grow up to be a fine and wonderful brother and person. Don't worry about the dream, it's not a truedream.

  2. I love dreams.

    The ignorant police: you feel that an authority in your life does not trust you OR you feel insecure. The world doesn't understand you.

    The fact that you call the police for help rather than taking control of the situation yourself highlights that it is time to start seeing things as they are, and not necessarily according to your status. It means you need to start seeing people and not their position in society. Understand that the things in the way can be solved.

  3. well dreams don't really mean that much in reality..

    they're just thoughts that you tend to ignore and come dominating your mind when you are asleep..

    most dreams are thoughts that your body naturally

    thinks of wither you suppress it or not...

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