
Can anyone interpret my happens a lot?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike in my dream when i open my eyes (theyaren'tt really open but in the dream they are) i see a clown standing at the end of my bed and he is holding a chart....i cant remember wat is on it but its a blue chart kind of like a plastic mat with a pie chart on it but i dont remember wat the pie chart had on was though divided evenly into different sections but all the sections say the same then i try to run but he kinda like grabs me with no hands like some kind of magical hold because i cant move but i can still see his arms and he is in my face and he keeps pretending to bite me but never actually does it he like puts his open mouth to my skin with his teeth out or he licks his finger and then tries to bite me but always backs up and then i began to say NO! and i pray and say lord help me and when i say the lords name his clown face seems human and it shakes kinda like in slow motion and the human face seems to be trying to escape the clowns body.....its happened a lot just like its been like a year siince its happened last........PLZ HELP ME I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW!!!




  1. it means that ur pretending to be someone ur not and you want to be ur self but ur afraid so just be ur self no matter what and the dream should go away

  2. Go into your subconscious mind and search for your thoughts to get the meaning of the dream

  3. Hi,

    I don't know what is that. But if the dream is from the evil one/satan, you can command it to stop in "the name of Jesus Christ".

    If you are a Christian, you can pray the following:

    1) I plead the blood of Jesus over my mind & dream. This is to prevent satan from disturbing you during dreams.

    2) Say this to Satan: "Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave me and never to return and never to harrass me again"

    You might need to check whether you had committed any sins which could have open yourself to demonic's attack.

    1)Sins such involvement in occult activities, playing ouija board, crystal ball and tarot card reading, studies of astrology, visiting temples, praying to certain gods, eastern meditation, yoga, etc..

    2)Also, you might had accidently bought spiritual artifacts/objects which you need to get rid off. Objects such as amulet, pendant and etc..Some of these objects/artifacts possess demonic powers and it might attack you if you wear it or keep it in your home.

    I have some books recommendation which might be useful if you're interested.

    1)Deliverance from Evil Spirits by Francis MacNutt

    2)They shall expel demons by Derek Prince(Publisher:Chosen Books)

    3)Pigs in the Parlour by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond

    4)Defeating Dark Angels by Charles H. Kraft

    5)Portals to cleansing by Dr Henry Malone

    Click the website for some of the books recommended.

    Feel free to email me if you have more questions.

  4. Hi. That kind of creeped me out a little. Umm, I don't think demons would be in your house if you prayed to the Lord. But in my family when I was younger, we were Christians and demons possessed our house. They would thought attack my brother and they'd say they would kill my parents. NOT TO MENTION COME INTO OUR DREAMS!

    If it hasn't happened in a while, your fine. And just to say, maybe you aren't suppossed to know what it meant.  

  5. I KNOW!!!!!!!! it means the clown is your dad. think about it, he shake and a human face came off. d**n homies I m high honestly I don't know what i m talking about.  

  6. Holy S**T! It's bad....that's all I can tell's bad....

  7. Sounds like the Stephen King novel "IT"

    I hate clowns!!!



  9. Janae, first of all I want to say please do not consult a dream dictionary for 100% of interpretation. This is because objects in a dream mean different things to different people. For example, the ocean for one person can mean a completely different thing for another who is afraid of water.

    First of all, it is difficult for me to know the relationship you have with "clowns" in your life without talking with you. So I am going to make a broad generalization to base my interpretation.

    The clown represents someone in your life who is an obstacle. You have goals and you want to move forward with them. However, this person is intentionally preventing you from reaching them (or so you think intentionally). This person is causing you a lot of misery and stress. A tremendous amount of stress. The best way for you to stop the dreams is to overcome this stress and strive for your goal. It might require you to remove yourself from dealing with this person. If you need help doing this, you should talk to someone with authority that you can trust. And it might take several days (perhaps weeks) for you to emotionally recover from the stress this person has caused you. After you are removed from the situation and your stress has diminished, your nightmares should abate.

    I also want to recommend getting adequate sleep, at least 8 hours a night. Even though this is a nightmare, they are often caused by lack of sleep, stress, sleep deprivation, and poor diet.

    If you are afraid to sleep at night and notice the nightmare returning at the same time every night, set a mini alarm (e.g. a small wristwatch, etc.) for 15 minutes before you usually wake up from the nightmare, stay up for about half an hour, then go to back bsleep.

    I say this because most people with reoccuring nightmares have them at roughtly 4 hours into sleep. This is phase commonly known as REM (rapid eye movement) and you are in a deep comatose sleep. You will still be fine if you wake up just before your nightmare starts, go to the bathroom, etc. for 30 minutes and then fall back asleep for another 4 hours. If you do as stated above, fix your diet, remove your "obstacle", and get 8 hours of sleep per night your nightmare will abate and you should be fine.

    P.S., some people have nightmares on a monthly basis based on their biological clock. A friend of mine, after trying to conceive with her husband, discovered her one "monthly" nightmare always occured the night before she ovulated. She is now a lot less scared of them and the nightmares have even gone away now. I have heard that men, too, have a monthly cycle and this can also impact dreams.

    Another example of how hormonal changes can affect dreams is that most children, around the age of 7-9, have a period of several weeks of frightmares. Then suddenly, the nightmares go away. Nearly all children have had this. Ask your friends. The dreams in these cases, most often, are due to hormonal changes in their pre-pubscent body.

    Please do not be afraid. If saying Hail Mary helps you, then do it. Do whatever makes you feel secure. However, do confront what or whoever it is that is causing you such pain and misery. Take care of your body.

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