
Can anyone interpret my dream?

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I dreamed that my Dad (deceased) was driving me to the store but he stopped along the way to drop me off in this medical supply store that turned into a beauty supply store, I kept hearing my name being called but I didn't see anyone who was talking to me but I recognized the voice as belonging to my friend. But I didn't see her so I being in a hurry walked out to the car where my Dad was suppose to be and there sat another friend who is a closer friend to her sitting in a chair waiting for her. It was raining and I told him to go inside but he didn't want to go into the store because it was a beauty supply store. I couldn't find my Dad and I went to look behind the store and walked in the mud and the next thing I knew I was tracking mud everywhere.I was upset over the muddy mess I was making. I never found my Dad.




  1. You believe that there are or will be medical procedures that will enhance your outer beauty. You deeply know that your father would not approve of such a procedure and don't want to go against his wishes. You most likely will still have the procedure done, but fear alienating your father, so you instead embrace a friend.

  2. My condolences on your loss of your father.

    The dream is about handling that loss.  Your father drops you off, thus leaving you behind:  and the point where he leaves you is a medical supply store, representing the situation where he must leave you.

    It turns into a beauty supply store because there is a part of you that is trying to counteract your grief either through by being pretty (which is a literal interpretation) or 'cosmetically,' that is, by trying to make things look right (which is a symbolic interpretation).

    The friend who is calling your name represents a part of yourself which is trying to bring you out of this way of coping.  When you do come out, looking for your Dad, you find your friend's friend, who is also a part of you:  probably that part which gives a priority to facing the loss of your father.

    It's raining now because the dream is beginning to fight you:  that happens when you-the-dreamer don't accept the dream message.  You try to get rid of him, but he won't go into the store, which represents retreat from the sad fact of the matter.

    You look behind the store -- perhaps you are looking behind your retreat -- and there is mud, which symbolically is c**p.

    So, your inner mind is grieving, and naturally expressing itself in the metaphorical language that comes naturally to it, as it processes and comes to grips with your Dad's death.

    Again, I'm sorry for your loss.  Take care.


  3. it maybe, it lead you that what ever matter

  4. It sounds 2me as though ur missing ur dad& maybe there's something u never asked or said 2 him.The friends in ur dream was just u looking 4 someone that's there with u now, but they was no help....Hope this helps

  5. I think when people dream of loved ones who have passed. It means they will always be there in spirit and watching over us. When I dream rain it's usually tears. Good luck hun.

  6. First off, no ... there is no one who can interpret your dream for you.  However, as you know from this site and your general experiences, there are people-a-plenty that will claim they can interpret your dream as well offer advice on how that interpretation is somehow a key to improving your life.

    Neither I nor anyone else (if they are truthful) actually knows what your dreams are trying to encourage you to consider ... only you know that.

    However, so as not to make the previous sentence seem snide or callous, please know that you are the one who is in the best position to determine what your dreams are conveying. As such, take all these replies (including mine, of course) with a healthy sense of skepticism.

    It seems reasonable that, if you'd like to get a better take on your dreams, begin by assessing the content before even considering an analysis or interpretation.

    For example, who are the characters in your dream? As you mentioned in your post, there is i) you, and ii) your dad, iii) your best friend, iv) another friend, and v) your hair-dresser

    Next, what is the setting for your dream? Please know, because it is a dream the settings are typically multiple, fragmented and change rather abruptly and dramatically ... as such, it is not uncommon to dream in multiple settings; ifor example, your dream has i) traveling in a car, ii) a medical supply store, iii) a beauty supply store, iv) rain, and v) mud.

    Feelings that arise in your dream are i) confusion, ii) upset, iii) searching.

    Now you are left with determining what aspects of your dream are symbolic and could mean something other than what they represent in your dream ... and what aspects are simply events and circumstances that are concrete.

    For example, your dad is deceased and after he dropped you off the next time you went back you could not find him is rather concrete.  The walking in the mud and tracking it everywhere can very well be symbolic ... however, at here is where I believe caution is needed ... depending on who you speak to, what dream-book you read, and other ad hoc factors, you will get different interpretations on what the "mud" truly represents.  You are the only one who knows what the mud represents ... as such, consider it within the other parts of your dream and, as best as you can, you'll be able to make some sense of it.

    At a minimum, mud is dirt and water and, beyond it's feeling of uncleanliness, it is also dark and difficult to see through ... some will argue that is akin to death ... and the rain in your dream is life (you, your friends) and the dirt (earth) gets muddied by the rain and the result is this dark, dirty, hard-to-determine-uses-for mud that may (or may not) represent death ... and then, similar to the saying "ashes to ashes," once the mud dries, it is back to being the earth again.

    I hope this was helpful ... remember, you hold the key for interpreting your dreams.

  7. oh honey :( im not a dream inturpreter but i guess what it was trying to say that ur dads gone for good n he isnt coming back im sorry if that sounds mean but thats really heart touching i hope u find happiness but hes there with u in spirit

  8. To see your father in your dream, symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests that you need to be more self-reliant.

    To see and hear rain falling, symbolizes forgiveness and grace.

    To see mud in your dream, suggests that you are involved in a messy and sticky situation. It also suggests that some internal cleansing is needed.

    To dream that you are walking in mud, suggests that you are feeling weighed down by a situation, problem, or relationship.

    To dream that mud has gotten on your clothing, signifies that your reputation is being attacked and called into question. Consider the term "mud-slinging" to refer to some politicians.

  9. Maybe you are worried about the friend who had heart surgery, do you need your hair fixed? Was it raining outside or did you watch the Florida Hurricane news on TV before going to sleep? I dream about my parents once in a while. Did your Dad have heart trouble like your friend? Dreams are a way of working out our problems that's all. I wouldn't worry to much about it.

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