
Can anyone interpret my weird dream/nightmare from last nite?

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Okay so last nite I had the wierdest dream. I dreamt that me and a bunch of my friends were all dropped off at my house which was a hotel type of place. We watched this wierd scientific movie and then this guy gave a lecture and I was like not awake in my dream. Then we all got put into rooms and my room was like my room in my house but a little different. Then in my dream they did an experiemental treatment (for cancer?) on me and all my friends and my friends were all in comas but me and one of my friends hid in my closet so they wouldn't give us the treatment. Then the guy who gave the speech found us so he took us to this room but we ran back to my room and jumped out of the window and ran away. Also the way things looked in my dream was if i was extremly high there was like 10 of certain things. So then me and my friend came back to the hotel/my house and all my friends parents were there at the desk demanding to get there kids back and then i woke up.

no rude comments!




  1. Did you watch a movie last nite that may have triggered it?  That was some dream!  I try to be careful what I watch in the evening.  I've had some 'crazy' ones myself.

  2. did u watch I am Legend?? (lol that is a good movie!!) or the X files??( lol one of my fav tv/movies!!) maybe you dont like your parent's friends!

  3. Dreams are symbolic and not literal -- most of the time. Cancer tumors in dreams represent a variety of unprocessed psychological and emotional materials that the dreamer may be obsessing on. They represent all of those things that bother, disturb, anger, or hurt us and that we never directly deal with or let go of. The dreamer's mental, psychic or emotional problems may be proliferating and infecting many areas of thought and function. You may be experiencing anxiety and fear as a result of a bad habit or a certain situation in your daily life. However, if you are very worried and cannot get it out of your mind, go for a physical. When is the last time you did that anyway? In more superstitious interpretations, dreaming of cancer may be considered a dream of the contrary, but also of warning!

    If you are hiding out of danger, then you should consider those things in your life that propose a threat to you. They could be internal forces or environmental conditions. Generally, we attempt to hide our own negativity and mistakes. This dream may call for an honest reflection on personal characteristics and an evaluation of how much fear influences our lives and decision-making.

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