
Can anyone justify keeping a 2003 Range Rover; it runs like a champ but the warranty just expired.?

by Guest56289  |  earlier

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Any tricks to inexpensive proper maintenance?




  1. the only trick to inexpensive proper maintenance is do it often and do it well.

  2. Oil changes. You can forget to change the air filter or spark plugs and youll be fine but if you forget to change the oil your screwed.

    Also transmission fluid should be regularly changed(alot of people neglect this)

  3. sell it, never buy european or american cars only lease them they are to unreliable the only car to BUY is an asian car

  4. The best justification I can give you is the fact that you no longer have a car payment.  If you're mechanically inclined at all most car problems are easily fix with the proper tools and a little time.  Brakes for example can be changed by an amateur in under an hour.  If you aren't mechanically inclined, put the $500 payment that you would be spending on a new vehicle in a savings account and use the money from there if it breaks down.  You're bound to come out ahead.  Once the vehicle starts giving you too many problems then trade up for a new one.  I have two American built vehicles, one three years older than yours and the other one six years older.  They both run fine and all I really do is the recommended maintenance that the dealer specifies.

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