
Can anyone keep a diary for more than four months?

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I love the idea of having a diary but after the first few times, I get bored. Anyone with the same "disease"?




  1. I have the same problem with gym memberships!

  2. Yeah, i'm the same, i just go back to it now when something important happens rather than write everyday "read book and watched T.V". It's much easier the other way  

  3. Yes, I had the same problem. Try gettimg a live journal, so that you don't have to sit down and make time to write. You can journal from anywhere, and you can make it completely private so that only you can see it.

  4. I've had a diary for almost three years now, but the last 5months I've not written in it nearly as much as I did last year when I wrote in it every few days. I'm 17 now, so I guess it was all because last year and the year before that I was coping with being bullied and doing my G.C.S.E exams... Had a lot more feelings that I had to write down. Its not that I don't have a lot going on now - though not nearly as much - its just I have less time. I figure when your pretty young - or old - you just have more time.  

  5. yes we have!

  6. It is easy. you must be very dedicated.Try keeping it beside our under your pillow.Diaries are very good ways to express you feelings so it very good. I have kept a diary for 7 months now. Just make sure noone else reads it as it just might contain private info

  7. when i was in hospital after having my preemie baby, that i had no idea i was carrying until a week beforte he was bor, i got friendly with another of the new mothers on the maternity ward.

    we got chatting and discussing our lives etc. I told her all about my life up and until my baby was born and she said i should write it al down and keep a diary from then on. I wish i had as i could have wrote a book by now that would have been very helpful to other single moms with a disabled baby. It was 10 years ago and there was nothing on the shelves about this. i should have taken her advice. I have been so lonely and felt ousted by my family and society.

    I could still write it but wish i had kep one.

    When i was younger i used to start to keep a diary but didn't keep it up either - i had the same disease as you.

    Try your best this time.

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