
Can anyone know the names of plants nutrition chemicals?

by Guest11017  |  earlier

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Can anyone know the names of plants nutrition chemicals?




  1. The essential mineral elements are:

    Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, chlorine, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum, and nickel.

    In addition to the essential mineral elements are the beneficial elements, Silicon, sodium, cobalt, and selenium

    Another group is the essential non-mineral elements, elements taken up as gas or water, which are:

    Hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon.

  2. You might want to check out this site.

  3. The primary Nutrients are

    Nitrogen taken up in the plant in the form of nitrate

    Potassium  taken up in the form of K2O

    Phosphorus as P2O5.

    Secondary nutrients:

    CA, Mg, Na,


    Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu

    Toxic elements(bad for plants in high concentrations)

    B, Chloride, Sulfate

    The concentrations of the nutrients are specific to the type of plant, and its growth stage.

  4. Yes, someone can "know it".

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