
Can anyone lead me in the right direction regarding UFOs? Several people saw the same event.?

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While riding in a car with friends we noticed several spherical, silver objects just hanging in the sky. They looked to be in some sort of holding pattern and then would all move at the same time as if they were all one piece. They were not that high up in the sky and there must have been at least 15-20 of them. I had never seen anything like it. They were over a restriced military area but it is not an airfield of any type...more like a listening station. Can anyone tell me where I can find other people who have seen this or a website to go to that has more info on it. I do not want a general UFO website...have found too many of those...I want specific information on this particular type.




  1. Hey, they are just peaceful scientists from some othe galaxy studing human behavior.

  2. You said that it is not an airfield of any type. So no aircraft ever lands there? What is the name or location of this military base, along with the date / time in question?

    Call the local radio or news stations, people always report things there. Seriously, they may have heard something.

  3. Wow sounds really cool

  4. Automated weapons.  Laser platforms.

  5. You stated this was over a military base.

    More than likely, it's drones the military is using.

    And if there were a fleet of them, it was probably an experiment to see if the aircraft's would stay in formation.

    As much as you die-hard UFO believers want to believe, we do have the technology to incorporate robot drones for reconnaissance and dropping bombs.

  6. Silver objects, eh? Many have seen these objects over the last 30 or more years here in North America.

    Over a military base...that sort of presence is like being 'cautious' towards our aggressive military bases. Which they are. Agressive...our people are who wear uniforms and are practiced for war. The UFOs are presenting themselves for purpose over the bases...perhaps to make 'peace' in a sort of way with military establishments. To make themselves known prior to a world wide contact. How else could this be done? without causing harm to these visitors?

    We know the military is aggressive and you hear about crop circles...where the black helicopters are pushing people away from the crop circles or they are chasing small spheres across the land. Then you hear about UFOS being chased by fighter aircraft. Aggressive tendencies in the military which is NOT good for our world's contact with off world people. documents sightings.

  7. it's definitely an UFO.  alien, who knows?

    check out,

    for some video stuff, check this out:

    the John Lear (as in the Lear Jet), was VERY interesting.

    hope that helps, good luck in your search!

  8. Perhaps you should try MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). They are a nation wide group of investigators. You can lookup the specific reports for the area you were at and see what other people have witnessed. Website is

    Hope it helps.

  9. Try looking around The Disclosure Project website


  10. Don't BS us.

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