
Can anyone list some unheard surfbrands that the outside wannabe's don't wear.?

by  |  earlier

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Woops their shouldn't be a period their.




  1. And you shouldn't have spelled it as "their"; it's "there."

    Look, what in the world are you worried about that for? To worry about something like that only labels you as a grommet or wannabe.

    Wear cut-offs and a KISS t-shirt if you want. Prove your worth on the waves and forget about the fashion. Your head is in the wrong place.

  2. check out this comp there out of CA and super new.  The guy who started it is an old pro surfer "Todd Miller"

  3. oi mate what you trying to do? Prove yourself on the waves, not jus walkin round the beach with surf brand clothing. You get a lot more respect that way.

  4. i am a rad surfer and all i wear is goatskin clothes....all the really gnarly surfers do it

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