
Can anyone make out what this says? It's from a ship manifest.

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I got this from the Ellis Island website. This is from the original ship manifest under the column:

"Whether going to join a friend or relative; and if so, his name and complete address"

1) I can't make out the city and state.

2) And can't make out the first name of the father.

Please help!




  1. The town is Watertown, New York

    It is 26, Gill Street, Watertown NY, currently at the crossroad with N Indiana Avenue

    The town website is here

    The first name  after "father" is written Valenty , may be a transcription of the original  - Polish? Russian?)

    So the second part seems to be  : "father Valenty Achowiak" or something similar

  2. LOL...does he have a brother named Antoni? I recently started a project for a family in Michigan and am researching the Ochowiak line...and a father name Walenty from Posnan. If they're related, let me know.

  3. If you look at the passenger list, you see ANTONI, age 22, e10/21/1907, headed to his father Valenty, at 73 Oberlin St., Buffalo, NY.  !910,  Buffalo:  OCHOWIAK, Valentine, Mary, ANTHONY, 24y, Michael, Frank.  Val emig "1902", the rest "1906".  Census taker may have lumped them together--Ant. emig at 22y, now 24.

  4. It is definatly Warertown, NY (been there) and Father Valenty

  5. There are Ochowiak's (1) and Schawiak's (3) that immigrated.

    The closest I find is Antoni who's father is Walenti Ochowiak but the manifest has a different address for Walenti.

    Watertown, NY

  6. 1) The city and State is "Watertown, NY"

    2) The first name of the father is "Valenty"

  7. It looks like ?afertown, NY or ?atertown, NY

    As for the name. Taless?y Dahawia??

    Well that's my guess.  

    Could you post a bigger section of the script, it's very interesting!  Seeing other capital letters could give a clue to the town's first letter.

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