
Can anyone name 5 reasons to turn off my lights, TV and radio after use?

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Why should I try to save energy? How does it help me and the enviornment?




  1. 1- Save You Money

    2- Less power is used, less power needs to be produced, Less fuel needs to be used to make the power, so forth

    3- Less wear and tear on your appliances

    4- Less unnecessary heating of the house resulting in less cycling of the air conditioning

    5-Makes the bedroom quiet and dark so others trying to sleep can.

    I call BS to Cody on the clock using more power over the lifetime of a microwave then power for cooking.  Show me the calculations.

  2. It costs you money to leave them switched on! x 5

    And if you aren't the bill payer then you should be ashamed of yourself. Are you a freeloader?

  3. You should actually unplug the TV and radio when not in use.  They still draw significant power even when turned off if they are plugged into an outlet.

    Did you know that the microwave in an average household uses more power through its lifetime to power the clock than it does cooking food?  That's how much power it uses just sitting there even when it's not operating.

  4. 1. It saves you money.

    It does not help the environment, it only hurts it.  When we refuse to create more sources of energy, it causes costs to go up.  Money is then spent on higher energy prices instead of other things.  This whole thing is nothing more than the communists trying to control our lives.

  5. for the chilluns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. 1)it helps to reduce ur electricity bill

  7. dont b an idiot or a jerk...if you dont care about your money care about everyone else

  8. you'll notice the difference with your electricity bill!

  9. 1) It will save you money on your electric bill

    2) It prevents wasted electricity and decreases your negative impact on the environment

    3) Indoor lighting is actually being linked to increased mental illness

    4) It decreases your "carbon footprint" (your contribution to global warming/ ozone depletion)- yes, this is related to #2, but it's very different.

    5) It will make your light bulbs/TV/radio last longer if they aren't constantly turned on.

  10. If EVERYBODY does their part to not deplete the Earth, maybe it'll not all be underwater from global warming for our kids and grandkids. Watch the series PLANET EARTH on dvd, and you'll change your thinking.

  11. 1. It takes energy to do these things, so you are just wasting fossil fuels.

    2. It causes pollution.

    3. It costs a lot of money on your electric bill.

    4. It releases harmful gases into the air.

    5. In long term, it can be really damaging for the planet.

    Hope this helps, and convinces you to turn off your lights!

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