
Can anyone name the artist and title of this vietnamese song?

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What is the title of this song, I have gotten very different responses.... Lots of people know it but can anyone give me an artist with a title? You can hear the song at

the lyrics are:

Mong lung trong giac mo ben canh tay anh o^m am nong

Moi ke moi thiet tha cho nang chieu vang tren ma

Tay nhe buong rot canh hoa nho gio cuon ve lai day

May tham troi lung lo nhu song vo~ bo

Goi ten anh mai trong dem bo vo, giat minh moi biet con mo vo tinh

Dem tinh yeu gieo trong tim hinh bong anh trong doi em

Tinh yeu do gui tron ve anh

Mo mai trong giac mo ben anh vung troi them xanh

Help Greatly appreciated!!!




  1. hey the title is already there it is "khong biet sao minh phai xa nhau" meaning don't know why we had to seperate. hey nice song though.but only the artist is unknown. why don't you go and ask the people in tialia!!!

  2. won hung low

  3. I heard that as "Tinh` trong mo" = Love in the dream

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