
Can anyone of you can give a detailed blue print of water4gas or linked me to the free site ?

by Guest57688  |  earlier

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I'll trully appreciate it Bernie from Sydney Australia




  1. you need stainless steel rods and use electricity from your car

    it will not replace gas but will increase your fuel mileage, the cost is very cheap because you build it yourself,

  2. Water is not a fuel as others have posted...

    The things you can do to use water is...

    A Stream engine... water is used... but something else like wood or coal... is the fuel that provides the heat energy for the steam engine to run.

    While you can't get more out then you put in... Technically there are some sweet points in electrolysis where some of the stored chemical energy in the hydrogen gas generated comes from the ambient heat around it, and thus more energy goes into the hydrogen than you put in via electricity... but it is such a small amount that the return side of using the chemical energy stored in the hydrogen ends up with a loss as you would need over 95% efficient combustion engine to get close to breaking even.... and no engine or fuel cell to use the hydrogen is nearly efficient enough.

    Now you can use small amounts of hydrogen to assist the operating efficiency of the an internal combustion engine... this happens because of the higher flame speed of the hydrogen ... and the amounts for this are small enough that it could be done on the fly as you drive... but it is increased efficiency by allowing the engine to run on a leaner mixer of air and fuel... so while the engine / cars efficiency and MPG will go up... the Horse power and ability to keep up speed go down... as you get less power from the engine per rotation with the smaller amount of fuel... expect power to drop twice as much as MPG goes up... you reach a point where you can't keep the car moving... Alterations like this would also be likely to shorten the life of the engine parts... as hydrogen burns much hotter than Gasoline does... and is more prone to back fire and knock due to how easily and fast it burns... but again water is not the fuel.

    The last way I can think of off hand ... is by injecting some water into the engine you can try to use the liquid water to steam's expansion properties to make use of some of the engines waste heat... but again the water is not a fuel.

  3. No. Water4gas is a moneymaking scam. Giving it away for free would be silly, and copying and giving away information out of spite would also be silly if it didn't work. OTOH, plans for the Joe Cell ARE available for free online.

    Maybe it works?

  4. Yea, no problem.

    There is no web site as you can't get drive a car on water any more than you could get gold from lead.

    It takes more energy to separate water than you can get back from it.  It's like buying pennies with dollars, you won't get very far.

  5. Just biuld A HHo generator yourself. Serch HHO supplement. I got  38% better MPG with the HHO. It is just a supplement, Not a 100% fuel system. That would take to much Electricity.

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