
Can anyone offer a news source that someone won't claim is biased one way or the other?

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From Response I have read:

CBS - Democrat

Fox News - Republican

Any out there that people in Yahoo Answers can agree on isn't biased one way or the other?




  1. Nope.  I do find your question funny in a Seinfeld observational humor kind of way though.  You'll get a star.

  2. Bias is as much about personal perspective as anything else.  I like since they seem to hate everything as much as I do.  All I can suggest is just read as much as you can and try to weigh the information for yourself.

  3. Honestly your best bet is to listen to WHAT they aer talking about and then go and research the topics yourself.

    For instance "in _____ today al-qaeda fighter bombed two mosques and injured two poor innocent children during fighting with American liberation forces."

    What you should get from that is, "two mosques were bombed by terrorists"  Then you go and find out why and what is going on.

    Listening to one or two sources wont get you anything beyond minimal facts and massive hyperbole.

    This doesn't happen often and I am not trying insult the person at all, but Libstick is just about dead-on with this one.  couldn't agree more.

  4. No, because if it spouts lies, the liberals will call it conservative, corporate, and administration-controlled.  If it speaks the truth, conservatives will call it liberal, socialist, and unpatriotic.

  5. C-Span is unbiased.  Can be a bit humdrum though.

  6. Unfortunately not. There is always some sort of bias. The skill is to find news sources where the bias is not deliberate.

    But looking at the sources you have listed  - there are better, much better.

    First - you could try looking at the BBC website if you are looking for coverage of the election. There is no apparent reason for BBC to be in favour of either party. Go to BBC website. You'll get news and analysis. There are individual programmes on BBC who delve into the news - one of the best is "The World Tonight" which is on BBC Radio 4, and focuses on particular issues. (Search ; Robin Lustig who is the presenter)

    Associated Press is a reasonable website for news, as is Reuters.

  7. sadly, no.  all networks have bias.  NBC and its subsidiary cable network's is blatantly obvious.  Fox News does have a Right bias.  CNN is clearly lefty, though they are improving.  ABC Nightly news is about the most "Fair" i've seen, but even then, there is some bias...i cannot think of a single television newssource that is unbiased.    

  8. The Real News, Democracy Now, Infowars, Al Jezeera,, Good Luck!


    I am partial to fox, they have more conservitive talk shows, but the general reporting is pretty unbiased despite what lefties think. but you honestly have to watch them all, Cnn, MSNBC, Fox, etc and then decide for yourself.

    not many in states that youll be able to find that wont have a biased opinion one way or another

  10. nobody on YA agrees on anything

  11. None, because our journalist today are not non biased.  They write a story to sell, without any journalistic guidelines and rules.  That is why the mainstream media is always making retractions, and corrections.  Not so with Walter Cronkite, Harry Reasoner, Huntley, Brinkley, and Howard K. Smith.

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