
Can anyone offer advice for the summer holidays with my daughter?

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she has real problems when her routine is broken so not going to pre school has really upset her. I have tried keeping her entertained but it does not seem to help her. Today for example we had a picnick went swimming played in a park fed the ducks and then went to see some fish (she loves fish) So I know she is not bored. She is getting upset so misbehaving i am getting frustrated so it is a vicous circle. We are trying to get her to play with children but she is over friendly so kids get anoyed with her quickly.




  1. Have you thought of a visual timetable? These are great for children who dont like change to their helps them to feel secure and stable and rfeel they remain in control of the day.

    You can make simple ones-eg: have a white board-blue tack onpictures/symbols representing the day-eg: Get up (sun), breakfast (bowl), swimming (swimming costume) etc in the order you'll do it. This way she'll know what to expect from the day. It will also help when she has to settle back at school as well.

    This may support her behaviour.

    As for social play-its something she'll long as she has lots of experiences to practice the skill then she'll soon learn appropriate friendships. You never said how old she is so I would say my advice is suitable for 2.6-4 year olds.

  2. My sister takes her child to a place called Cheeky Chimps - its like an indoor childrens fun house.

    Everything is padded, there are ball pits, slides, net bridges - there is a toddler section and a "big kids" section.

    The adults can follow their kid round if they want to and there is a cafe too if you want to sit.

    The kids love them and by the time they come out they are knackered. You just have to sit and have a drink.

    Your little girl can tag along with the other kids or be by herself - its all fun.

    I don't know if its a franchise, but i suggest lokoing for something similar in your own area.

  3. What you can do is set a routine for her and I'll give you an example

    7:00 Up 4 the day

    8:00 Breakfast


    10:00 Snack


    12:00 Lunch

    1:00 Nap/quite time


    3:00 Up from Nap/Quite time.....also a little snack


    5:00 Dinner


    7:00 Start bed time routine (Example...bath, story,...)

    8:00Bed time

    than when you have time free that is when you take her swimming. To the park or what ever you decided to do.  Children young or old like to have a routine.  When I very from it I have problems.

    I wish you the best of luck!

  4. devide your day as if she was still in school, that way she will be structured and not so stressed.  Give her plenty to do, you could try playgroups with kids of same age where they do activities. get model making/painting kits for her to do and like the previous answer keep her meals, going to bed the same time

  5. Try to keep as much of her normal routine as possible same time for bath, meal times, naps etc. Then do maybe one big activity a day like swimming. Spend the rest of the day chilling out and playing with her. She's probably over stimulated or over tired. But I agree it can be quite difficult to get a good balance.

  6. You need to try to keep the same routine, such as same bedtime, nap time, same mealtime, and then she should be ok.  Also she might be over stimulated with all of those activities slow down and just bum around the house.

  7. go to very good deals

  8. I think you need to go to a really nice holiday camp where there are lots of other children.

    But, you do the kids activities and let you daughter sit at the bar ordering what she wants and maybe learning how to play pool. Meet up at tea time for a meal and everyone is happy. Problem solved.

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