
Can anyone offer me a job in paris,france?

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yeah but im not asking much,ive been here in paris for ages and running out of ideas.......




  1. It depends on your age, intitially...  Authentic Foreign Language assistants in French Universities are always sought after; usaully ranging between 19-25 years old.  Waitressing is another option.  All the jobs that the French call 'petits boulots' ARE open to everyone, really.  You just need to get out there and ask in person, the most effective job hunting tactics!

  2. Unfortunately the job market doesn't work like that in France. I've been here 10 years now, and the only time I was "offered" a job was through a friend of a friend, and then, even, it was a temporary job.

    When I went on work assessment a couple of years ago - I have found increasingly it's who you know, not what you know that really does get your foot in the door.

    Getting a permanent contract job (known as a CDI - Contrat Durée Indeternimée) is really a big challenge these days. Temporary work is easier to find (called a CDD - Contrat Durée Determinée) - although the latter can cause problems when making contributions to pensions, unemployment or when dealing with any paperwork to do with the unemployment bureau (ANPE - Agence Nationale de l'Emploi) or the Social Security (ASSEDIC - ASSociation pour l'Emploi Dans l'Industrie et le Commerce).

    A contract CDD doesn't look so good on a CV when going to job interviews.

    So even if you can get a casual job "petit boulot" - you can really get in a mess getting another afterwards.

    Unemployment is still a very large problem in France, especially in the Paris area. Looking for work will mean spending a awful lot of time and resources doing so.

    To give you an idea, between November 2005 and April 2006... I sent out 70 handwritten letters "des lettres de motivation" + CV, in FRENCH (yes - everything has to be done in French and in their way of doing things) - and had 5 interviews.

    These were for jobs as diverse as supermarket work, to teaching English to leaflet distribution.

    I'm not talking about being a Rocket Scientist here.

    So there is no secret - you have to do some research, look down the job offers and err... write lots and lots of letters, emails etc...

    Bonne chance!

  3. Hey, you will be lucky to get offered anything in France! I have been here for 6 months and still cant get a job! You need qualifications, thats all they care about, not experience.

    Check out websites like,,, these are a few of the online searchs you can see for whatever job you are looking for!

    Good luck!

  4. France is too hard to get a job.

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