
Can anyone offer me some advice on finding the RIGHT medication for bipolar & paranoid schizophrenia?

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I've been browsing the web in hopes of finding a medication that will work for a young man aged 20 who is suffering these illnesses and whose psych doesnt seem to know what to prescribe or really care. He has morbid hallucinations and severe mood swings and a desire to kill himself. There are so many different meds for this - and we need to find the RIGHT one for him quick. So whatever advice and experience is offered will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!




  1. Okay. First thing's first. If you need med advice for this sort of thing check out and their forums. The people there can give you med advice second to none on the internet, and they have pages detailing the info about nearly every psych med in use today.

    Second, I can't tell if you're having a crisis now, but for short term there are two medications that come to mind for knocking the wind out the sails of this sort of thing: Seroquel. And Zyprexa. I'm not in favor of Zyprexa in most cases, but there is no medication equal to it in stopping things NOW. Again, long term Seroquel is a better choice.

    But this is a very ugly combination of mental illness, and it needs to be gone after very aggressively. If you have any medical schools nearby call them and ask for a consultation. They usually have someone in the psychiatric end of things with a lot of experience in severe mental illness which is something a lot of doctors and even psychiatrists don't run into in ordinary practice. I agree with others though. The long term solution for this is going to be finding a very good, very experienced psychiatrist who can manage this friend of yours.

  2. Hi if you are looking for a medication and want the lowest price guaranteed, go to:

  3. Yes, a decent doctor.

  4. You need to find a dr who does care and wants to help.

    There are so many meds out there, and not all of them work the same on everyone. It might take a while to find the right meds and proper dosages for this young man.

    My husband was diagnosed bipolar in Feb'06 and still we're struggling to find meds that will really even it out. It doesn't go away, the meds are there to help, but they're not foolproof.

    Good luck.

  5. I believe zyprexa would be the best drug for him followed by risperdal.

    Zyprexa is good for depression and mania and a very good anti-psychotic (paranoia).  Risperdal has a higher eps rate (restlessness).

  6. Hi.  Find a doctor who is more personable and caring.  The relationship with the doc is important.

    I only have bipolar disorder.  I have been thru 8 meds, a handful of combinations, and I lost track of dose adjustments long ago trying to find the right meds to keep me stable over the last two years.  The right meds are the ones that work for the individual and it can take a few years to find them even with the best of doctors.  

    It may be that the doc he has now is doing a good job, but because of his attitude it seems otherwise.  Idk.  I wouldn't want someone like that as my doc because I would be skeptical, too.  It's hard to know since psych meds effect each person so differently.

    Off hand, I can say that Lithium or an anticonvulsant like Lamictal, Depakote, Trileptal, or Tegretol may help with the mood swings.  Antipsychotics can help with the psychosis and some with swings and depression.  (I'm guessing that he's already gone thru atypicals like Zyprexa and Seroquel since they are obvious, older class ones may be the answer.)  Which ones of these in what combinations at what doses is hard to say.  Find a doc you and he have more confidence in and go with her/his recommendations.

  7. Actually, no one can answer that. There are a ton of meds out there and every body is different, so it may be trial and error to find the one which works best for his self. Only a doctor can assess and evaluate. IF this one is not working then switch doctors. It's really important to be patienta nd open minded that there is something out there... just got to find the right diagnosis and med.

  8. I'm bipolar type II and I've been through a lot concerning medications and bad psychiatrists. Much as it's natural to feel like wanting to take some control over what is going on, only a doctor---a competent doctor---is really capable of deciding what is best for this person.

    Since you indicate his state is very poor and he needs help quickly, I would really recommend a hospital stay. At the hospital he will be "under observation" by a number of professionals who can monitor his condition and based on talking to him and watching him over a period of days, hopefully get a better picture of just what is going on. It sounds like he may not even have a correct diagnosis.

    So, much as I'm sure everyone here would like to give you a quick answer, the sad truth is that none of us are qualified to give you that kind of advice. This young man is suicidal and, according to you, experiencing severe psychosis (hallucinations etc.). He NEEDS to be under a hospital's care.

    Good luck and sorry I cannot offer more.

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