
Can anyone offer suggestions on getting sponsors/donations to help my students go to Washington DC?

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I am a 12th grade government teacher at a public high school in Los Angeles. I am taking 18-20 students on an academic trip to Washington DC this spring, and the cost is $1600 per student. The students that attend my school are considered financially underprivledged and can not pay their own tuition. I need to raise aprox. $30,000 by the end of February, and so far we only have $1,200. We are doing what we can by selling candy, and holding silent acutions and raffles at school, but we need help! The students have sent letters asking local businesses to "invest in their funture" by buying shares of stock at $10 a share, but we have not received any response yet.

Does anyone know of any companies or businesses that are willing to help my students?

The goal of the trip is to help my students gain a better understanding of our political system, and in turn become more politically active. This trip will change their lives!




  1. Request the Office of the President to finance the visit of the students to the White House.

  2. Write to the White House adviser and ask him not to send just one missile to Iraq, saving that money from just one (1) missile , there you will have more than enough cash for you needs.

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