
Can anyone out there help me to understand why I received a violation notice for this answer?

by  |  earlier

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"Yah, sucks. Your sub-question and statement spoiled my answer."

I've went over it several times and I can't see where the problem is.




  1. Some troll reprted you for fun I suspect.  I can't see anything wrong with it.

  2. I'd just let it go, can't see any thing wrong, its called question & answer and thats what we are all doing, sharing thoughts and opinions! You have obviously offended this saddo, some people just want to hear what they want to hear, I wouldn't waste another second thinking about it, cos thats what they want!

  3. To me it seems to be a nice enough answer alright, but in technical terms it's not a "helpful answer" and that may have prompted someone to report you for chatting...

  4. Because the answer n**i's reported you, I've gotten them and I just respond back to them in defense, I never hear back.

  5. They are just being petty...nothing wrong with it :)

  6. Trolls.  Trolls everywhere!  .....Damned trolls!

  7. maybe you offended the asker

  8. I have no idea.I bet we have all got one I got one too.I just tell the truth.

  9. Sometimes there's no rhyme nor reason for these violations. Forget about it!

  10. This is the decision of yahoo, for example my answer was 'the question not clear' and I received a violation notice too..

  11. If you sneeze on here you get a violation.

    Don't worry mate, there's a lot of saddo's that get their kicks by 'reporting' to Yahoo, & 'Y' never check if they're really offensive or not, they just delete stuff..  :)

  12. Aparently there are people on here that everyone likes to call "trolls" that send in violations for no reason.  It seems like an ok answer to me (I dont know the question) but Im sure that the violation came from the cuss word in there.  We are supposed to use friendly language so that people under age do not have to read them.  Im sorry you were reported, some people are just rediculous. Good luck! :)

  13. we've all been surprised at why we get violated sometimes

  14. It may not have been an Answer to the q.

    Who knows someone's  mind!

    We get these. I have had too.

  15. You're answer looked fine to me.  It seems to me that Yahoo has a double standard when it comes to violations.  If they are going to deduct 10 points from you, they had better make sure that it is a GENUINE violation.  They should have someone review these.   What really ticks me off is when someone asks a question to deliberately agitate and insult people.  Grrrr....

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