
Can anyone out there teach me 2 read the quran in arabic?

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Can anyone out there teach me 2 read the quran in arabic?




  1. There are loads of online translations,

    Go to your local madrassah, i think they are held in the masjid.

    I know the basic phrases

    Bismillah ir rhamin ir rhamin (bismillah)

    and, la illa ha illah Allah, Muhammad rasul Allah, (shahadah)

    fat lot of help that is though isn't it, but then, i'm atheist, i dont need it.  

  2. Your best bet is to meet with a Muslim priest (Mullah). They'll teach you how to read the Quran. Sadly (and this applies to MOST Muslims) while they teach you how to read Arabic, they don't tell you what it means.

    Sounds kind of confusing, but it's true. The way I was taught, I learned how to recognize the letters and associate the sounds with them, but I never learned the meaning of what I read. I always needed an English translation.

    If you're really interested in learning to read, why not invest in one of those language kits like Rosetta Stone?

    Good luck!

  3. Salaam,

    Best way is to find a local Sister to sit down and teach you.

    Make sure they understand Tajweed and explain the articulation points of each letter.

  4. Inshallah i can do that...................E-Mail Me

  5. Yea i can. I will try.

    Im me

  6. Why??  the translation doesn't make it any less powerful babes, so why not just take lessons in Arabic?

  7. i could try =]

    email me =]

  8. Salam Alikom Sister

    Just contact the Imam Mosque and ask him weather they have the daily evening classes that teaches Quran and Islamic lectures or no.

    If they don't have , he will tell u which mosque has those facilities.

    Mashallah am so proud of u :)

  9. Learn at organized system of Quranic classes...

    With the guidance and supervision of a qualified Alim...

    Quranic classes for youth and adults, are held regular, example; daily, evenings and Saturdays at Madressa, Musjid and other private organising at homes of qualified person...

    These lessons with regular attendance will enable you to grasp to Qur'ãn in the Arabic language...

    You require a direct approach with emphasis on grammar, Arabic alphabet, pronunciation, etc...

    The necessity and importance is also daily Ta'lim at home of about even half an hour...

    Tâlîm is Islam educational programme at home, example; tilâwaj - recitation of the Qur'ãn, Zikrullâh, Kitâb on Sunnats, Mu'âsharat, etc...

    With this Ta'lim programme at home, basically you will also be learning Arabic...

    Practice is absolutely necessary to accomplish success in reading the Qur'ãn in Arabic...

    You have the capacity for learning...

    Behind every great achievement, lies certain sacrifice!

    Take up the challenge!

  10. Marhaba!!

    Ibrahim El Shafey

    I've learned Arabic and Islamic Sciences: (philosophy - history - language - rhetoric - ... etc.)

    Also, I learned a little in other sciences: (human development - NLP - communication skils - direct marketing - ... etc.)

    Now: I am prepare my master in the grammer of the Arabic language (El Nahw)

    I'm now:

    Arabic language teacher online

    Adviser to the Arabic language in the ""

    Lecturer in the direct marketing company


    Ibrahim El Shafey

    Cairo - Egypt


  11. I can and it's my pleasure.

    Let me do this for you.

  12. Assalaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu sister

    ..i would love to teach you..but i'm learning myself i might not be so helpful..

    however, you could try finding courses near where you live..or find a realative or friend who would be willing to help. Or as someone above me said..ask the imam at the mosque..

    you can learn online too..this really helps me between lessons with my dad...

    hope you find it helpful and learn/read the quran soon..Inshallah

    good luck

  13. if you dnt know any arabic or know a little please email me :)

    and i'll help

  14. Where do you live? Near me there is a great class for beginners.

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