
Can anyone out there tell me how long you can store turnips in your basement before they go bad.( roughly)

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I planted some turnip. Now i need to know the proper storage method and how long they may last. I have about 30 to store. On average, i will probably eat 2 a week as they are large.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank You




  1. Must be the roots you are talking about. Turnips are big green leafy plants.

    If its is the roots you are talking about- keep them cool, like in a fridge.

    If the leaf- cook them and can or freeze them.  

  2. The only way I know to store turnips is in a basement without direct light and nearly constant temps.  Any space would suffice I suppose if you can maintain a nearly constant temp above freezing and below about 40 degrees ( F ) plus a moderate to high humidity level.

      What we used to do with our root crops was to build a platform about 8" off the floor.  Put down a layer of straw, a layer of crop, a layer of straw, a layer of crop and finish with a layer of straw.  They would keep from harvest to late spring, about 6 months.

    That was "back in the day", many moons ago when we canned ( virtually everything ) and dry stored ( apples, potatoes, onions, turnips, rutabagers, carrots ) much more than we do today.


    I have heard of folks using shredded newspapers, sawdust, sand, even fiber fill, as well as paper egg cartons in lieu of straw.  I have also heard of dipping in wax very much like the commercial store houses do, but, I believe that is more trouble than it is worth.

    The object is to keep the crops out of direct sunlight, keep them from touching each other, allow for air circulation and have a material that will wick any standing moisture away from the crop you are storing.   Without a high humidity level the crops will shrivel and go to waste sooner.

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