
Can anyone out there tell me how to sound proof a room or any professional assistance in setting up?

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Can anyone out there tell me how to sound proof a room or any professional assistance in setting up?




  1. What you need to do depends entirely upon what you mean by soundproof. Are you talking about a home theater room or something more like a band rehersal studio? Or, are you trying to keeps the outside from getting in?

    Expect any sort of true soundproofing to be relatively expensive.

    If you'll post some details, I'll try to help with pertinant information.

  2. Auralex gives free room advice.

  3. I've built a "soundproof"  (the term can have a variable interpretation , depending on the degree of isolation desired) home theatre, and from experience I can tell you that you need to be able to work on floor, walls and ceiling to do the job right.

    I used Resilient Isolation Clips (see link 1) as the basis for sound isolation for bass, but in addition you need to pretty much seal the room so that mid and high frequencies remain contained. That means you have to be able to either construct the walls or adapt existing walls and re-drywall over the top. That also means you will have to consider things like ventilation and electrical wiring. Ideally you construct a room within a room. You can do it as  DIY project if you are handy, or contract it.

    Another approach, with similar requirements is to use "Green Glue" (Link 2).

    The room I built worked very well ... better than 50 dB difference in sound level inside and out.

    Both links have lot's of information on sound isolation for different circumstances/needs ... or you can simply Google the topic and find more.

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