
Can anyone over 18 have ODD or oppositional defiant disorder?

by  |  earlier

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because i recently found out that was one of my mental illness




  1. I think it is more of a conduct disorder rather than a mental illness.

  2. A disorder does not magically go away when a child turns 18.

    Adults can have ODD, too. These adults often have trouble in relationships and work. Divorce rates, employment difficulties, and abuse of alcohol and drugs is usually higher in adults with ODD.

    Children with ODD can be treated with therapy and sometimes medication. When the child with ODD turns 18, they may decide to defy medical authority and stop therapy and/or not take their medication, leading to many problems because they can't control their aggression.

    The best thing for someone with ODD to do is continue therapy and take the medication their doctor recommends, if any. Therapy is the best treatment for ODD because a therapist can help someone with ODD learn how to control their behaviour and understand what to do in different situations.

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