
Can anyone please answer this economics question? what do CC curve and PP curve stand for? thanks?

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Can anyone please answer this economics question? what do CC curve and PP curve stand for? thanks?




  1. Consider the following model:

    • Each firm has a measure of fixed cost F and constant marginal cost c

    • Average cost can therefore be described as an increasing function of the number of firms, for a given overall production volume (CC curve)

    • Total sales in the market is S

    • n is the number of firms

    • The equation for the CC curve is AC = c + nF/S

    • There are n firms on the market, selling similar but differentiated products

    • The individual firm therefore faces a downward-sloping demand curve with the coefficient of b

    • Average price can be described as a decreasing function of the number of firms (PP curve)

    • The equation for the PP curve is P = c + 1/(bn)

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