
Can anyone please answer this?

by  |  earlier

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a nursery takes 20 children to the zoo - the ratio of adults to children = 1;4

they travel by car - each car can hold 4 people

how many cars will they need altogether




  1. So there's 20 kids 5adults.. 25 people= 7 cars  But a Child can't drive a car, and there's only 5 adults.. So It's a trick question?

    (remember each car is 1 adult, 3 kids, because it olds 4.. So logically only 15 kids would be able to go?)

  2. 7.

    If there are 20 children, then there must be 5 adults, and if each car holds 4 people, then you would need 7 cars because 25 ÷ 4 = 6.25, and you can't have 0.25 of a car, so you would have to round it up to 7.


  3. no relation to Language section

    post it in Science & Mathematics--Mathematics

  4. 7 man those other people are stupid lol

    20 kids = 5 cars

    5 adults (1+4) = 2 cars

    so 7 cars  

  5. since you have a ratio of adults : kids as being 1 : 4 you need to find out have many adults total that you have.

    20 kids : ??? adults

    4 kids   :   1  adult

    Therefore ??? adults = (20 kids) / ( 4 kids) x 1 adult

                   ??? adults = 5 adults.

    Now the total amount of people is = 20 kids + 5 adults = 25 people

    Since each car holds 4 people, you will need 7 cars.

  6. ok ummm 20 kids and ratio is 1;4  

    25 people and kids umm the answer isnt six because you can leave any kids at the zoo so 7 cars

  7. 7 because there are 25 people alltogether

  8. 5

    theres 5 cars with 4 kids in each car, plus 5 drivers

  9. 6 maybe

  10. well the obvious answer is 7. but i think it's like a trick question

  11. im not to sure but if you times the number of kids by how many people can get in a car then you get 5 so i think the answer is 5 :)

    hope i helped

  12. You will have a shortage of drivers. There are 5 adults and 20 children. If each car holds 4 people, you will only be able to transport 20 people (including the drivers themselves), as the driver needs to be an adult.

  13. There are 25 people in all; 20 kids and 5 adults.

    They'll need seven cars, although the seventh will only have the driver in it.

  14. Five of course!

    You'd think it was 7 (25 people divided by 4 = 6 full cars with one person left over)


    You can't have more cars than you have adults to drive them!

    Though two of them will have to make 2 trips.

  15. and why is this in the language section? try maths section :D i think its 6 by the way

  16. 5

  17. yeah it's definitely 5, where did other answerers get 6 and 7 from?

  18. 5 cars with 5 adult drivers, and 4 kids in each car, on the whole 25 people.(assuming that each car holds 4 "passengers", excluding the driver hem/herself!)

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