
Can anyone please assist with a remedy for itchy chicken pox on the p***s? ?

by Guest58673  |  earlier

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My son broke out in the rash this morning. They have now started to break out on his p***s....under the f******n. I have given him oatmeal baths which has worked up until now. His is in agony and is now sitting with an ice pack! Someone please help!




  1. I concur with Asia's answer....informative and accurate :-) Good Luck!

    However; one small point: heating the area (in all infectueous cases; i.e. chicken pox or even mosquitto bites) actually irritates the itch further as it stimulates blood circulation....Hence, cooling is better...

  2. Your poor boy.  =(  I hope it will pass soon.  BTW: From what I've read ice pack will not do anything.  Heat should relieve itching better--but make sure his p***s is room temp again or you'll shock it.


       1. Cool Baths: For itching, give cool or lukewarm baths for 10 minutes as often as needed (caution: avoid any chill). Can add baking soda 2 oz. per tub. Baths don't spread the chickenpox.

       2. Calamine Lotion: Apply calamine lotion to the chickenpox that itch the most or massage them with an ice cube for 10 minutes (Don't use any lotion containing Benadryl because it can be absorbed across the inflamed skin and cause side effects).

       3. Benadryl Medicine: If itching becomes severe or interferes with sleep, give oral Benadryl (see Dosage table).

       4. Discourage Scratching: Trim fingernails and wash hands frequently with an antibacterial soap to prevent impetigo (infected sores). Discourage picking and scratching.

       5. Fever Medicine:

              * Give acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) for fever above 102°F (39°C).

              * Never use aspirin (Reason: risk of Reyes syndrome).

              * Also don't use ibuprofen (Reason: may increase risk of severe strep infections).

       6. Soft Diet: Offer a soft diet for painful mouth and throat ulcers. For infants, give fluids by cup, spoon or syringe rather than bottle because the nipple can cause increased pain.

       7. Liquid Antacid for Mouth Pain: For severe mouth ulcers in children over age 4, use 1 teaspoon of a liquid antacid as a mouth wash 4 times per day after meals. For younger children, put a few drops in the front of the mouth after meals.

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