
Can anyone please explain what a free country means?

by Guest32258  |  earlier

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I'm Australian. This question is mainly aimed at Americans. How can you say you are free when there are laws. Only anarchy is free. And to you idiots anarchy is not a bad thing. Everyone is free to do there own thing and aren't disturbed. So what is a free country.




  1. they mean democratic the right to vote and court trail to prove if your guilty if broken the law... and such...

  2. Anarchy is not freedom because it will inevitably intrude upon someone elses freedom.  We are not free if someone can intrude upon that freedom, and an anarchist would eventually intrude upon one another, and can never therefore be free.   Freedom can best be described by looking up the definition of libertarianism in my opinion even though I don't entirely agree with it.

  3. I think 'free' is a euphamism for 'wealthy' because it takes money to buy things that make people feel free.

    I have lived in 8 different countries, and I've never seen people with political freedoms celebrate it a lot if there's 50% unemployment and misery all around.

  4. My "own thing" would be to kill people ,steal their stuff and live in their nice big house for free. Would that be OK in the name of anarchy? I am free here to work , travel, marry, raise kids, get an education, elect my government representitives, say d**n near anything I want without fear on being jailed or killed, own a gun. and on and on. I have to agree to pay taxes and not murder and steal. Pretty sweet deal all in all.

  5. That is what we claim to have to try to make the rest of the world think that we are better than them.  We do this because we are arrogant a******s.

  6. You can do anything you want if it doesnt bring harm to others.

  7. I've been beaten and gassed just for criticizing the war/occupation/genocide in Iraq. This place ain't free.

  8. Any country that isn't being affected by the Americans.

  9. A free country is one that is liberal.  There are countries where if you don't follow a certain religion, then you could be killed.

    In essence, only anarchy and barbarism is 'free', but there are more liberal countries, and in this case, they are 'free'.

  10. well the awnser is simple us americans have laws yes but we have a chocie weather to follow those laws we have free speech and we have a right to pick our religion like athest or christianty which i am or cathlic or more we have chocies which some countries do not have if ur looking for wat is a free country its like america free do do wat u want

  11. Basically, a free country means you can do things that aren't "wrong". Pretty much whatever. Although it's not completely free, being laws and all. I wish I lived in Australia. =/

  12. It's free to watch a big concert front row and eat and drink backstage if you know me.

    Hollywood CA

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