
Can anyone please explain why an attractive enviroment is important for preschool children?

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Im writing a report for college and well obviously its important in a nursery setting for it to be colourful, attractive, in order to maintain childrens interest as they easily lose concentration, anyone else have any advice plz, websites that would help me? Thanks!




  1. I would think that any child should be stimulated to a degree by his surroundings. In addition, kids should like to come to a place they find appealing.

  2. i have read in a book that when you read or look at black or grey writing you are more likely to doze off. however when you are in a colourful environment your brain is 79% more awake so you dont get bored

  3. An attractive environment helps the children to realize that they are important, valuable, and deserve a nice environment for learning.  It shows that school and learning is important, fun, and a good place to be.

  4. The right colors can make the school environment appealing to children by making them feel like the school is a fun place to be.  Dull, boring colors or dark colors may make preschool children apprehensive about the school.

    The right colors can also help children keep their feelings and emotions under control.  For example, a study was done with married couples.  In the study, the main gathering area of the home was painted red.  After a period of time, couples reported having more arguments than they had had with other, more calming colors.  Red seems to invite feelings of anger.

    On the other hand, shades of green have been shown to have a calming effect on people.

    I would think the same would be true of children, too.  Anything that can help "control" the emotions of preschool children is probably a good thing.

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