
Can anyone please help me I'm a little scared!!!?

by  |  earlier

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well iv been text messaging on my phone and my moms and everybody was like stop and i told them i would now I'm scared to tell them that i was and my bill might just be very high




  1. Just fess up and pay your bill.  If it's too high then mow lawns or do laundry or walk dogs to earn the money.  In the mean time, lose the cell phone.  Take responsbility for your life.  

  2. If you are in charge of your bill and paying for it, set up so that you can get unlimited text messaging. That way you don't have to worry about how many texts you send or recieve. It's usually 5-10 dollars a month, which is a lot better then the 30-100 that could be from going over the limit you currently have. If you are not in charge of the bill talk to your mom and tell her your very sorry for going over, and offer to pay the difference. Then talk to her about getting unlimited text messaging. Good Luck!

  3. Gotta deal with the consequences of our actions, you know? Best thing you can do is learn from it, and adjust your behavior. Did you not realize that they would eventually know based on your bill? Progressive thought my dear. Progressive thought. That means that you consider what effect your decisions today, will have on your life later.

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