
Can anyone please help me??????? even if u cant answer all, atleast some please?

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applied for a job as a customer service consultant in post office, they are asking the following questions in the application, i cant answer them so i need your help . (its really important that i get this job cos i need money 2 pay my college fess, the question are:::

1 One of the key aspects of the role you have applied for is to be able to sell products and services to our customers using a conversational style of selling. Please provide an example of when you have had to persuade a customer to buy a product or service which they may not have previously wanted or known about and what was the result? Answer

*2 What relevant knowledge, skills and experience do you have which you could usefully apply to the job? Answer

*3 Please give an example of a time when you have worked as part of a successful team.

What was your role in the team and what did the team achieve?


*4 Please give an example of a time when you have had to deal with a difficult customer, or a similar difficult situation, and how you resolved it? Answer

*5 Please give an example of a time when you have had to ensure you are up to date with the products and services you are selling. What did you do? Answer

*6 Please give an example of a time when you have exceeded a customers expectations. What did you do and what was the outcome? Answer

*7 Please tell us of an example of when you have exceeded a target? What did you do and what was the result?




  1. 1. I was working in a clothe shop when a woman came and asked me if i could tell her the best pants to buy for her husband. I showd her the most good-looking pants and, of course, the most affordable. I discribed her how her husband would feel in those pants and i persuaded her to buy one of the pants i showed her and, a couple of weeks later she came back to the shop and bought another pair of pants, like the first one.

    2. I have worked for almost 6 months in a clothe shop, but, i had to leave the job to study. When i left school i worked in a cafe for a month and my boss was really pleased with me.

    3. A year ago, i worked for a company that made surveys about different issues. My team and i conducted a successful survey about the ways people are aware of anything hapens on our planet.

    4. When i was working for the survey company, a newspaper owner came and asked us to make a survey using a kind of watches to find what people remember when after they have read their newspaper. We had to call some adults and persuade them to take part in the survey and this was really difficult, but we did it.

    5. When i was working in the clothe shop, a gentleman came and asked me about the new spring-summer collection and when will he be able to purchase some clothes. He also asked me to recommend the best parts of the collection. I explained him the collection's theme and what the pieces were about.

    I can't answer the last 2 questions, sorry

  2. We should not be filling out a job application for you.  If you can't aswer these simple questions, then how are you going to be able to perform the day to day tasks on the job?

  3. How can we answer this when they are all to do with what experience you have???  How would we know what you have done??

    And if you can't answer these questions I don't think you should be in the job.

  4. Here, this might help you to get the job and to foot your college bills!

    1- 'Conventional selling' is selling something personally, like you convinced someone to buy the product you sell. So, just write down if you have such a experience with you.

    2- Inform if you have pertinent education in selling or marketing. Tell them, in case you have been selling anything earlier and the experience of course.

    3- State your duration of working where you were selling products/things.

    4- You have to state any problem solving situation that you came across while selling & the ways you used to resolve the matter, either to keep the coustomer satisfied. Customer Satisfaction is important to any good marketing company.

    5- It is asking you for in-house screening of sales staff about how much they know about the products that they sell.

    6- Well, again, it has to do with any such experience while selling or working for a company. State the experiance, for what you went out of the way for and what was it's result.

    7- This question is about 'sales targets' that a saleperson is assigned to achieve. Sometime they are underpar or sometimes they exceed the given targets, to achieve. They are asking how or what was your selling strategy to do it, or it just happened through your luck!

    Anyways, I find this position at Post Office is for the experience salespersons. Good luck!

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