
Can anyone please help me my palmerston jungle carpet pythons are very nippy?

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i have just bought 2 new palmerston jaungle carpet pythons and iam starting to regret it as they are VERY nippy... evan if i touch them i have to dodge multiple bites... can anyone please give me advise to how to calm them down??... any help will be much appreciated





  1. I'm not suprised carpet pythons tend to be a very nippy species

    if they are babies just handle them as much as you can

    but even so you can not garantee you will have a tame and docile carpet python when it gets older and bigger

    and a bite from a carpet python is very painful as they are large snakes and very powerful feeders meaning they strike at a fast and powerful speed

  2. Babies can often be very nippy. The only way to tame them is to handle them. They usually tame down pretty easily. Jungle carpets are the first snake I ever bred, and they were mean as heck. Their parents are extremely tame. I started out taming the babies by just holding them for a few minutes and not moving. If I moved, they bit me. I used a snake hook to pull them out to avoid being bitten.

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