
Can anyone please tell me if the Arctic fox is an endangered animal?

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Can anyone please tell me if the Arctic fox is an endangered animal?




  1. I hunted them extensively in 2005, and I can say that in the area I hunted, they were plentiful.

  2. no. there are  plenty of them running around in the artic.

  3. The broader species of "arctic foxes" are doing well -- their numbers go through some wide swings, but the population seems fairly stable.  Two sub-species of arctic foxes are in serious trouble though and have been recognized as endangered.  One group in Norway, the other in Russia.

    The species as a whole though is facing some serious threats -- sadly on three very distinct fronts.  Loss of habitat to climate change is the first.  This ties to the rapid loss of the ice sheet in the arctic regions and the ability of the fox to move around readily to various hunting regions.

    Another is competitor intrusion.  With the loss of the grey wolf population, red foxes have moved in and taken away large chunks of the breeding and seasonal grounds of the arctic fox.  How that plays out is still to be seen.

    Finally, disease from domesticated dogs has reached into the arctic fox population and killed significant numbers.  The impact of that is still being studied.

    It might be time to move up their status to threatened.  To at least give this unique, stunningly beautiful animal a chance at a hanging on.

  4. No, and lets please try and keep it that way.

    All animals are threatened though.

  5. No they arent.

    But these are!

  6. All I can say about the Arctic fox is that they taste like chicken.

  7. No. Hope this helps!!

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