
Can anyone please tell me the difference between actualism and realism?

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...or is there no difference?

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  1. This is how I understand the difference:

    Actualism's motto is "to be is to be actual" ie. that there is only actual things. This is opposed to speculations and arguments from "possible worlds" (e.g. Plantinga's Ontological Argument) or the notion of contigency which say things "could have been otherwise". If you were to say "It is possible that I was born in another country" then the Actualist would respond saying, no it is not even possible, because possibilities do not exist - existence is actuality.

    Realism is slightly different (although "realism" is used very differently in various philosophical areas). It is the doctrine that things (including, potentially, values and ideas) exist independently of any person or subject. To all extents and purposes it is allied with Objectivism (opposed to Subjectivism). A moral realist for example may say that "murder is wrong" even if there are no humans at all. In metaphysical terms, a realist may hold that the outside world exists whether or not we are here to percieve it at all; for the realist, if a tree falls down in the forest, it does make a noise.

    Interestingly an actualist may be a commited subjectivist in maintaining that any talk of "objectivity" is incoherent since it revolves around the notion of possibility.

  2. realism and actualism convey they same meaning.

  3. Actualism is to refer to a definite physicality or existence, something that is substantiated, witnessed, evidenced.

    Realism is am empirical or practical understanding or portrayal of matter. The difference between actualism is its use in the theory of objectivity, a reality overriding ones personal experience or perception. A given concept one accepts faithfully until it is understood because others are able to identify with the same.

    Actualism is applied when all are agreed upon theory, concept or matter as corroborative evidence exists to substantiate the same.

  4. There is a large difference, but the words can be applied to different things with different meanings. "Realism" when applied to theism is different than when applied to art.

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