
Can anyone please tell me what this peice of lyrics mean...plz plz pzl plz plz plz plz plz?

by  |  earlier

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Await the days of Clouding

Earth Mother's sharing in our pain

Erase the human memory

They know not of where they came

And though our hearts are broken

We have to wipe the tears away

In vain they did not suffer

Ten thousand strong will seize the day

i just cant seem to understand it.




  1. Not sure but the first four lines sounds like us covering the earth with pollution (clouding) and the earth sharing our pain as we destroy the atmosphere - erasing the memory of humans as we all die off.

    Not sure tho and can't figure out the second part sorry !

  2. The first part sounds like all the pollution we have caused and all the fighting we are doing and how it affects the world and the second part seems like how some people don't get it and others do and just don't know what to do but they have to come together to end the bad

  3. Could you give us all of the lyrics to this song? That would probably help everyone figure it out.

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