
Can anyone please translate this in Icelandic?

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Jonsi, Georg, Kjartan, Orri, could you please sign this cd for my girl so I can make her happy as she really loves your music. I would be soooo thankful. Thanks a lot guys, Miks.




  1. "Jonsi, Georg, Kjartan, Orri, gætuð þið áritað með nafni þennan CD fyrir kærastan mín svo að ég kæti hana. Hún elskar tónlistina þína. Ég mundi vera mjög þakklátur. þakka ykkur kærlega fyrir.  


    My Icelandic isn't that great by any means, but I can assure you it'll be better than what you get from those automatic translators. Icelandic is just too complicated and inflected for online translators to be of any use. You usually get complete jibberish.

    That said, most people in Iceland are fluent in English so they'll most likely understand English anyway.

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