
Can anyone pls. give me the recipe of cheesy ensaymada!

by  |  earlier

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One that's moist and fluffy. or if you know a website where i could find the recipe. I havent had ensaymada for years since i left Phils.! pls. help, thanks!




  1. Sure I'll give you the recipe:


    1/2 cup lukewarm water1 tsp sugar

    1 level tsp. yeast

    1 cup all-purpose flour

    6 egg yolks

    9 tbsps. sugar

    6 tbsps. butter

    lard for kneading

    2 cups flour

    extra butter

    1 cup grated cheese (preferably queso de bola)



    Put lukewarm water in a bowl. Add sugar and yeast. Let stand for 10 minutes then add all-purpose flour and mix with a wooden spoon. Cover with a towel and let rise in a warm place until double its bulk (about 40 minutes to 1 hour).

    Add egg yolks, sugar and butter to flour mixture. Add to this the 2 cups of flour and knead with lard. Let rise again in warm place (about 3 hours) until double ins bulk.

    Divided into 6 to 12 portions. Roll each portion to 1/4 inch thick on a greased board. Spread with butter and sprinkle with grated cheese. Roll up, starting from one end and twisting like a knot. Place each roll into an ensaymada mould lined with wax paper and greased with lard.

    Keep in a warm place until each roll doubles its bulk (about 4 hours). Bake at 350oF for 10 minutes or until light brown. Brush with butter and sprinkle with grated cheese and sugar.

    Hope this helps you.....bye!!!!!

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