
Can anyone pls let me know where to find computer virus and also malwares?

by  |  earlier

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Can anyone pls let me know where to find computer virus and also malwares?Pls give me the the sites that cause virus and malware.I am doing research on computer viruses.Also pls let me know if threre are misleading and rouge softwares in the internet.Pls let me know!.Thank u.




  1. lets trade computers. mine has lots.  

  2. keep downloading you must get virus and malware.

  3. Try:

    This site contains safe test viruses for testing AV software.

  4. There is an antiviruses free just for today

    there is a code and you can activate it

    It worth trying it

    You have to activate it right away because it won t let to activate it after the end of the day

    good luck

  5. just go to a p**n web site and download lots of p**n... im sure youll get a virus eventully... lol  

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