
Can anyone plz tell me d name and address of the schools offering courses for learning sign language?

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my home town is bangalore, karnataka(india)




  1. first u gotta specify in which country u r in and in which city. b,cause there r hundreds of courses like this!!!

  2. Do you want it for credit towards a degree, or are you just interested in learning it? I'm sure most schools offer sign language courses, if not you can always find them online. If you're interested in learning just for personal experience, there is a website that is very helpful. I was taught sign language while working in a group home and this website helps me keep fresh on it.

  3. I don't know all of the schools that teach ASL or even a small portion in the U.S. The best way to start is to pick up your yellow pages and call your local community colleges or look in the blue pages for associations of and for the deaf

    Gallaudet University

    800 Florida Ave., N.E.

    Washington, DC 20002 USA

    (202)651-5551 v/tty

  4. Visit your local community college


    visit to any high school in your area and ask if they offered American Sign Language. If so, then get some info. about the class and find out who teaching that class and then now your chance to ask the ASL teacher based on your desire to learn.

    (Personally, the first choice is the best option)

  5. Arcadia University

    Augustana College

    Bethel College

    Central Michigan University

    Cincinnati Christian University

    College of St. Catherine

    Columbia College

    Eastern Kentucky University

    Gallaudet University

    Gardner-Webb University

    Goshen College

    Idaho State University

    Indiana University-Purdue University--Indianapolis

    Kent State University

    Madonna University

    Maryville College

    Mount Aloysius College

    North Central University

    Northeastern University

    Pacific Lutheran University

    Rochester Institute of Technology

    Universidad del Turabo

    University of Arkansas--Little Rock

    University of Louisville

    University of New Mexico

    University of Rochester

    Valdosta State University

    Western Connecticut State University

    Western Oregon University

  6. Many local community colleges offer ASL classes. I suggest you call your local community college and ask. You might also be able to get information from a local deaf school or support center.

       Since we don't know you're location, we're unable to offer more personalized advice.

  7. i dont even think you need school to learn sign language. i have a deaf friend, and i learned pretty well on my own.

  8. Most community colleges offer courses in American Sign Language and their tuition rates are about $15 a unit.

    Check out the community colleges in your area.

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