
Can anyone prove that invisible does exist?

by Guest66591  |  earlier

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Since no one can see or touch invisible and emptiness, can anyone prove that emptiness and invisible does exist too? (Invisible is different from emptiness; all emptiness are invisible, but not all invisible are emptiness). This is another similar question like questioning dark matter.




  1. emptiness doesn't exist. invisible does, this is simply stuff that exists that eyes can't detect. like infra red light or sound or oxygen.

    emptiness can't exist, emptiness is lack of existance, if it was something then it could not be empty. all the universe is energy, and there are no spaces void of that.

  2. Invisible does not imply emptiness.

    Invisible simply means that whatever it is is not visible, to us presumably.

    This really is not all that hard to prove  because our eyes and what is visible to us is limited from 700nm to 400nm  on the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Considering the spectrum goes from 0 to infinity (presumably as a bell curve of sorts)  this is a very very very very very small range. Which means that in reality much of the energy out there in the universe is in fact invisible to us because biologically we are not able to actually see it.

    Now we have IR googles to pick up IR and then see things in that respect and we have a variety of other specialized tools to expand our visible spectrum but without them many things would still be invisible.

    That said the universe is very very large and it is likely that much of all we will ever experience can actually be seen and we will never miss what cannot be seen. Sight is just sight. It is when we know something is there and we cannot touch it that we get upset.....think dark matter and dark energy...making up most of the universe and we hardly have even started our understanding of it.

  3. The military has flying air ships that are invisible to certain technology at a certain angle.

  4. There are invisible spectrums of light.

  5. out of all the energy around you, a tiny fraction is visible to a human brain. thats a fact. radio, tv, gamma, xray, microwave, alll sorts of waves are in the air.  its all energy.  we and everything that we think is real(matter)is just energy condensed into a slow vibration.  atoms cannot be solid.  its a fact.

  6. air is invisible but you can feel it

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