
Can anyone prove to me how evolution is true and how the Bible is wrong?

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If evolution were true how come there are no more monkeys becoming human?

I bet you can't find any false in the Bible.




  1. I wish I could speak this to you as typing it all out would be for eternity but Ill try my hardest to explain it.

    Firstly yes you can believe in God evolution only proves how humans came about but is not the answer to how life begun.

    We are no monkey we are apes

    Monkey- Small & has a tail

    Ape- Bigger & has no tail.

    Humans and Chimpanzees share a common ancestor

    Like you and your cousin share the same grandparents

    Apes share a common ancestor with old world monkeys

    Your family tree and a family tree in Europe you are related to but just don't know share the same ancestors

    ~If evolution were true how come there are no more monkeys becoming human~

    Everything is evolving even you. Example from an embryo to a baby to toddler to child to teenager to adult to elderly its a one way cycle of change you can not see it happening but it is.

    Now monkeys evolving into a human type. Well will your lets say 2nd cousin grow into an identical twin of you? No so no other ape or monkey will evolve into a human.

    Im not saying you are wrong maybe God created life and these plans for us to evolve but for 100% fact we evolved theres no denying it but what made life in the first place and why its evolved has not been answered and can if you want be Gods creation.

    We share very similar biology to Apes mainly Chimpanzees:

    Apes Skeletons


    Internal organs of:



    Hairiest man on Earth

    Chimpanzee are closest related Ape

    How do explain this skull:

    homo rhodesiensis

    Its nothing like any other ape alive or any other animals yet is so similar to our skulls its like ours but its not identical to ours so what animal could this of been. Well of course our ancestors over 200,000 years ago before we became modern humans.

    Todays ape skull

    Human skull

    Explain how a skull like that similar to ours than other apes exist and its not a fluke there has been thousands found


    Jumped from Chimpanzee to Human.

    We use this science of evolution to clone animals which we have produce medicine which we have

    Look they even made a human ear on to a mouse

    Used to catch criminals ie DNA

    Our DNA is a textbook to our history and it points to evolution.


  3. Evolution is not true  

    But I would not use that argument because evolutionist don't say we come from monkeys we share a common ancestor with monkeys so don't use that argument there are going to blast you for that I will state that there is not one data that i disagree with  

  4. Light travels a constant speed in a vacuum (space), the light from distant stars take millions and sometimes billions of years to get to Earth. So we can see the Universe way beyond Ussher's September 21, 4004 BC. Isotopic decay though radiometric dating confirms the age of the planet and fossil record, in fact the ceasium-133 isotope is the standard for a second. e coli doubles its biomass (population) every twenty minutes by which evolution can be seen on a daliy basis. The "Anthrax Killer" was caught because the Anthrax used had evolved testable traits specific to his samples.  The Bible is not the same as the Codex Sinaiticus.  

  5. The Bible says the same thing as evolution. The creation story in Genesis is the theory of evolution put into layman's terms. Everybody should stop seeing things so 1D and understand that both sources(science and religion) should be used together in the pursuit of truth. One doesn't have to be wrong.

  6. I'm a Catholic and a biology student in college. Intelligent and liberal Christians accept both evolution and the Bible. The Pope does. Your argument is very illogical. You don't understand evolution or the Bible. I know evolution is true, because there is overwhelming evidence for it. You don't know how God operates. Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and you are sinning if you presume to speak for God and are as ignorant as you show yourself to be.  

  7. I've heard this many times over the past 20 years.  There seems to be an alarming misconception with anti-evolutionists.  Several of you seem to be under the impression that evolution means that one day there was a "monkey" and the next..*poof* a human.  Evolution of an upright walking "man" happened over millions of years.  Very small changes occur from generation to generation, not day to day.

    I've got no problem with the Bible.  But did you know that much of the book of Genesis (the creation, the flood, the serpent, etc) was "borrowed" from earlier cultures like the Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians who had no concept of "one true God."  

    A closed mind is as useful as a burned book.  A belief in something scientific should not shake your faith.  If anything it should allow you to appreciate it even more.  You obviously do not believe in evolution, but I don't think you even understand it well enough to realize what you're not believing.

  8. The bible is just a book written by a bunch of uneducated simple men.

    While evolution is all around us.  

  9. The bible is a work of fiction, a story, a highly interesting piece of work written by simple men.

    Evolution, there is nothing to prove, nothing to believe, simply something to understand.

    I have come to the conclusion that people who don't understand evolution either need to go back to school, or slap their parents for not teaching them, rather... not allowing them to learn.

    Whether God created man or not is irrelevant, believing in evolution does not mean that you believe we came from monkeys, that is only part of some peoples belief.  God may have very well put many things on earth, and since then... they evolved.

    "If evolution were true how come there are no more monkeys becoming human?"

    This type of question is exactly what one is to expect from someone who doesn't understand evolution, why?  Because it is an incredibly stupid question.  Evolution doesn't happen over night, it isn't something you can watch happen in a few hours.

    For a long time I have found people who don't believe in evolution to be ignorant, uneducated, misinformed.  I have realized that if you don't understand evolution, as it is quite obvious to anyone with a properly functioning brain, your just not very smart.

    Svyatoslav - There is no True or False with the concept of evolution, you might not understand it, but if anything what IS NOT TRUE is that on todays earth you will find exactly the sames types of creatures on the earth from 200 million years ago.  If you truthfully don't understand that, wow.

    dkstring - Christians DID come from Jews, were you stating that as a fact or making a silly comment? Jesus was Jewish, both the Muslim faith as well as the Christian faith came from Judaism.... that is pretty much common knowledge... Why are there still jews?  That sounds like a joke or a really stupid comment...

  10. Because they warent monkeys they were prime state men it was a really really old monkey and most animals change after the first 10k on the planet but only few have stayed normal for 100k millions of years and thats the ammonite and like i belive in is that dinos evolved into birds and the meat eaters wouldnt have anything in that... so prehistoric monkey elvolves into a monkey who can walk into two legs then into Homo afropolictian i think thats its name then its a long chain till the Homo sapiens come up but some kid might be born genetecly wrong and thats how it starts :D so maybe after couple of 10k years we might be i dunno have stronger senses etc  

  11. First of all why bother asking this question if you have no intention to listening to the answers people post?

    Second, it is clear you have nothing but a vague notion of Darwin's theory. Evolution is the idea that plants, animals and yes my friend even humans are in a state of change and through breeding and reproduction the species changes over a long time to adapt to new environments. And that the strongest or "fittest" survives.

    We can see this happening with the Human IQ which has gone up over the past 100 years. We can see this with some apes species as they are becoming tool makers -- probably from their exposure to humans. We can see this in butterflies whose camouflage patterns have changed slightly. We can see this in any genetic mutation that occurs - if the person, animal or plant with a genetic mutation can still reproduce that trait is passed on and voila evolution can begin.

    The Bible has nothing to do with the theory of evolution - it does not tell us enough about the creation process to check against these theories. It is possible that evolution is the HOW not the WHO or WHY question.

    I find it interesting that while you do not believe in evolution, time travel however seems like a viable idea to you.....hmmmmmm...What would the Bible say about that?

  12. "If evolution were true how come there are no more monkeys becoming human? "

    Your opinion is interesting but it's uniformed. The above quote clearly identifies you as someone with NO understanding of evolution and population ecology. Because of this, it would be virtually impossible to prove anything to you - you don't have the background for understanding.

  13. If you acctually tried learning about evolution you would know that Humans did not evolve from monkeys but we did evolve from the same family as monkey. So seeing as we did not evolve from monkeys there could not possibly be "any more monkeys turning into humans". Not many people understand evolution,  even evolutionists and atheists.

  14. If you're hoping that someone can "prove" to you the existence of evolution in a highly condensed response here, then you are very naive I'm afraid. Giving an actual proof of it requires a long list of facts, scientific stories, and other cases to adequately do the theory justice.

    So I won't offer you an actual proof because frankly, it would take too long and you still probably wouldn't believe the obvious. However, if you bother to look into paleontological evidence, biochemical and DNA evidence, those are places to start. Additionally, you can read Darwin's Origin of Species, which describes his original theory, or you could read a book such as "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Evolution," which is more than adequate enough to understand it.

    Unfortunately, given your tone, I'm sure you won't do any of that but instead insist that evolution must be wrong, which is unfortunate that you choose to be so misinformed.

    It's also unfortunate for you that I can point out grievous contradictions in the Bible. The most blatant of which comes to the mind is the Bible asserting that the earth is no more than a few thousand years old (4000, 5000 years) when in fact, it's been scientifically shown that the actual age of the earth is closer to 4.5 billion years. Additionally, the Bible doesn't account for extinction of species on earth, which has clearly occurred. And the great flood isn't the only major geographical change that's occurred on earth, as the Bible would indicate. The separation of Pangea into distinct continents alone dispels that silly myth.

    Hopefully you get the picture that contradictions abound in the Bible. And one last thing: evolution DOES NOT say that humans derived from monkeys. That's a grievous misconception which clearly displays your ignorance. What evolution DOES say is that humans and monkeys descended FROM A COMMON ANCESTOR. If you can't tell the difference between those two phrases, then you need to stop spouting off opinions on things you clearly do not understand.

  15. Evolution as a theory cannot be proven. It is an explanation of the facts.

    Gravity as a theory also cannot be proven; it also is an explanation of the facts. If you drop an object and it falls down, that is a fact. The theory of gravity helps to explain why.

    When looking at evolution, you have facts like:

    - Tiktaalik (“part fish, part amphibian” creature that lived long ago)

    - Skulls dated thousands of years ago that resemble humans and chimpanzees but are different enough to be neither

    - Huge genetic link between humans and other apes (including specific chromosome evidence that strongly suggests chimpanzee DNA can be slightly modified to match human DNA)

    - vestigial organs/features

    - we have witnessed speciation actually happen (where a new species is seen to develop in organisms that breed asexually, that never existed before)

    There are many more, but the theory of evolution helps to explain these facts. If the theory of evolution is ever falsified, it would have to be replaced with a theory that still explains these facts. (Creationism and intelligent design do not.) I would be more akin to Newton’s Laws being further explained by Einstein, yet Newton’s Laws are still used because they are a close approximation of the truth.

    There are no humans coming from monkeys, that’s true. But the theory of evolution does NOT predict such a thing.

    1) Humans did not evolve from monkeys; we share a common ancestor

    2) Evolution for most organisms takes place over long spans of time.

    Thus, if a human was born from a monkey it would actually be evidence AGAINST our current understanding of evolution!

    If you think a monkey giving birth to a human would somehow prove evolution, then you don’t understand the theory (which is not a crime; that’s fine actually).

    I highly recommend you learn about it at an accredited institution. If you really want to learn what is happening on a deeper level, this is the way to do it.

    As for “proving” the Bible wrong, I cannot do that. I can, however, prove that a specific interpretation (i.e. a literal one) is not scientific. This is actually quite easy. Genesis says that God made Adam from the “dust of the Earth.” Even if that were true, it would be miraculous, and thus not science.

    Many Christians (like microbiologist Kenneth Miller, who I am a fan of) explain that you can accept evolution and still be a Christian. To learn more, try borrowing “Finding Darwin’s God” by Kenneth Miller from your local library.

    I am a Roman Catholic, and I view evolution as the study of God’s creation mechanism. Evolution is EXTRA cool for Christians.

  16. The theory of evolution does NOT say that monkeys are becoming human! If you think that a lack of ape-men running around is a serious problem for evolution, then you have a lot of misconceptions about what the theory of evolution says. If we did see such a thing happening today, it would be good evidence AGAINST evolution!

    What the theory DOES say is that present day apes and humans have a common ancestor that lived in the past, but that ancestor is no longer around today. Some of them, that dwelled in environments somewhat different than we're used to, became what we now call apes, and others of them became us.

    The "monkeys becoming human" that you seek are only found in the form of fossil skeletons, which have characteristics intermediate between us and our ape-like ancestors. They're called homo habilis, homo aferensis, homo erectus, etc. You can read about them in a good book on archeology.

  17. If Christians came from Jews then why are there still Jews???

    You can believe whatever you want.  I can't go back in time....but I can look at the data....and "I know God created man" doesn't cut it in my book.  

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