
Can anyone raise an argument against these videos instead of folloing rule #1 of the global warming religion--

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"Never discuss the science, Attack the man and repeat the mantra - Dangerous global warming is happening."

Meaning don't criticize him, just argue his points.

So far, I haven't seen one argument against him, just people folloing rule number one...




  1. What I found most striking is that despite your plea not to follow rule #1, they still do.

  2. Human stupidity knows no bounds.

    My evidence: This quote from jack_black_91...

    "Many can debate on either side whether or not if it is, or isn't happening. But, what if global warming is not happening? Are we hurting ourselves by saving more money at the pumps or, the grocery store by finding new and better ways to produce cleaner and more effeciant ways of doing things? I think not!!! Who wants to stand up for the huge companies around the world that jack up our travel costs as well as food costs??? No one with half a brain does!!! Who has the money to pay some scientist to come up with their own hypothesis??? Big oil,& electric companies!!! If global warming is true or not, can any of the scientist that fight against the global warming theory predict how long it will be before gas prices go down, and how much oil we have left to survive on?? I think not!!! When you throw a bunch of charts and grafs in the picture, how many can truly say who is more right?? Not many but, we do see the effects everyday of pollution and its many bad effects besides the global warming that they call a theory. What harm does it do the public, to have cheaper transportation & food prices??? None!!! What harm does the global warming fact have on the companies that produce our electric and oil??? Many!!! What would they do if we all found cheaper ways??? They would eventually over a long period of time go broke!!! That is their scare!!! If you had the choice of having a totally self sufficient home that produced its own power, and a car that could take you many times cheaper to many places than what it costs now, would you go for it?? How many would pay someone else a ton of money over many years for something that you can do for yourself allot cheaper?? Not many!!! They want to brainwash many into ignoring the panic when their own wallets are affected by restrictions. So, who is to say that this guy isnt taking a big pay off by them?? Would you stand up and give a speech saying something didnt exist that really did for money?? Most would!!! The real science that is portrayed here is the science of not fact but, deception!!! Lets just say that for argument sake that global warming was a myth, would you be happy still paying higher prices for everything due to the cost of oil??? I wanna see all the people who dont believe in global warming to start giving the people that work at gas stations a tip, and thank them for gas being so unaffordable. Maybe then they can afford to drive to work themselves with the extra money they make off of all the morons that tip them on their minimum wage jobs!!! The people that believe that global warming is not happening wants the rest of society to think that we are saying the sky is falling. But, in reality we are only building an arc to stay afloat while in the end they drown in their own stupidity, greed, and propaganda!!! Save our wallets and the earth at the same time, or promote the hogs that only eat more and take a dump on us??? I dont criticize the man, I question his integrity, and honesty!!! And if global warming is a myth really, what about all the polluted cities that people are suffering from health effects from the pollution? Is he gonna tell them that their polluted drinking water is just all in their head too when many are dying from cancers, tumors, and having breathing problems? Repeat the mantra??? Whatever!!! Repeat the truth, yeah it hurts dont it!!! Sorry big oil, you have caused enough trouble to us personally and politically!!!!! YOUR FIRED!!!"

  3. You got no argument against these videos except for name calling and rhetoric.  These people don't give two cents what the real facts are and they don't even care that Gore lied.  They don't even care that it is proven time and time again that CO2 actually lags a temperature increase by 800 years and is not the cause.  They just don't care!  They want to strip this country of jobs, manufacturing and so we are left with..........  No jobs and no income...  I wonder who is supporting each of these people while they destroy this country?  I am sure their parents are eventually going to kick them out.

  4. I got about 1/2 way through the 3rd video before I became totally disgusted with his total hypocracy.  Watch it again and you'll see what I mean.  

    "Attack the man and repeat the mantra.":

    1. He uses the concept of statistical relevance to demonstrate his point that there were previous warming and cooling trends but does not provide any data or models of his own to explain those trends, just passes judgement on other people's data.  He has no supporting evidence for his position other than his opinion of other peoples work.

    2. "Idiot Biologists".  Gee, he must think Geologists are the bees knees.  "Attack the man and repeat the mantra."

    3. He uses undefined terms to baffle with bullsh*t such as "Geological Envelope of Change", "Fails the Test" (what test? he doesn't provide any)

    4. "Climate alarmists provide stuff (data, models, etc) you can argue, but WHO CARES?" [direct quote]

    This guy is a hypocrite!  If he provided one piece of empirical data to support his position I would have sat through the 4th video.

    To debate his position I would just direct you to the organizations on the other side, such as the Hadley Center for Atmospheric Research, which he mentions, who freely provide all their data and models to ANYONE to advance their own research or to test the validity of the data.

  5. Carter says temperature hasn't risen since 1998.  That is scientifically inaccurate.  It neglects the fact that, while individual years vary, the long term trend is clearly up.  It represents an improper analysis of the data, seen here:

    Carter's errors are detailed here:

    He also claims that global warming data is the result of the urban heat island effect, something that has been conclusively rebutted in many scientific studies, such as:

    David E. Parker (2006). "A demonstration that large-scale warming is not urban". Journal of Climate 19: 2882–2895

    Note that he simply runs around making speeches, and not doing research and publishing his work.  His arguments are rhetorical, not scientific.

    Which is why why he isn't taken seriously by most in the scientific community.  It's not who he is, it's the quality of his scientific work.

    EDIT - It was cooling for the last 10,000 years, at a rate of about -0.003 degrees per 100 years.  A total cooling of 0.3 degrees, very very gradually, likely due to a small solar radiation decrease.  The recent warming of almost 1 degree in the last 100 years, at a rate of about +1.0 degree per 100 years, simply cannot be seen as a a natural counter reaction to that small and very slow cooling.  In fact, if it wasn't for (mostly) man made global warming, most scientists think the very gradual cooling would have continued.

    EDIT - Let me knock off just this one, which is a sitter:

    "As for the last 10,000 years, it has definitely been an upward trend. This is not even debatable. "

    Just flat wrong.  The last ice age ended about 12,000 years ago.  There was a warming period that ended about 10,000 years ago, when the slow cooling described above started.  There were some short term warming bumps (like the MWP) but nothing as big or as fast as what we're seeing today.

    EPICA community members (2004). "Eight glacial cycles from an Antarctic ice core". Nature 429 (6992): 623-628

    EDIT - I don't even need to knock off these (it's done above) but it nicely illustrates how deniers here simply refuse to even acknowledge scientific proof presented to them.

    "You got no argument against these videos except for name calling and rhetoric."

    "What I found most striking is that despite your plea not to follow rule #1, they still do."

    Yep, exactly what I did (NOT).

  6. I'm glad griz already went through the points because honestly when a guy makes the 'no warming since 1998' argument, I have no desire to hear what he has to say.  That's not an attack on the man, it's an attack on his statistical ineptitude.

    If he had at least applied some sort of best fit line or other statistical test to show a cooling trend, that would be fine (except it would have shown a warming trend and disproven his point).  But all he does is point to 1998, point to 2007, and say 'look, it's cooling'.  That's just pathetic for a scientist.

    Anyway, give grizz 'best answer', he deserves it.

  7. The video seems to disprove your point

  8. Well, thank you for making me laugh! I really needed it.

    And what is this about a global warming 'religion'

    I take the facts, instead of your fiction

    A lack of context?

    Is he a r****d?

    Is he even a real scientist.

    I found like 4 grammatical errors on the website.

    Go ahead and have your opinion, but when the consequences hit, you will feel it most.

    And another thing i don't understand, is that you can do simple experiments and home, or observe things in your community, but you have yet to realize, or agree with the global warming, as a truth, probably because you are headstrong and stubborn

  9. I did some research on Bob Carter and it appears that he's been funded by ExxonMobile.

    He belonged to a group known as "Tech Central Group."

    They were a group fo scientists and business men funded by ExxonMobile to produce scientific reports to dispute global warming.

    Let's acknowledge that the vast majority of scientists agree that global warming is happening.

    They have no incentive to lie.

    Scientists who say there is no global warming have A LOT of incentive to lie.................................MONE... MONEY

  10. A couple of refutes to Bob's post.

    Since 1998 there has been no significant warming. Depending on where you pick the end points, there can be cooling, stasis, or very mild warming.

    As for the Urban heat Island effect (temp monitors will show artificially high readings because of pavement, building, etc. Some gauges have been overtaken by uirban sprawl or moved), it is real. There have been studies showing that the adjustments made to temps to account for this are resulting in artificially higher temps.

    As for the last 10,000 years, it has definitely been an upward trend. This is not even debatable. If not, we would still be in the ice age when glaciers covered much of the earth. There was significant global warming from 600 to about 1300AD. This time was referred to as the Medieval Optimum, and the human race flourished during this warm period. It is of importance to note that the temps were as high or higher than they are today.  Following that, we went in to a cold spell called the Little Ice Age. This ended in the late 1800's and we have been warming pretty much ever since (slight cooling in the 70's).

  11. Many can debate on either side whether or not if it is, or isn't happening. But, what if global warming is not happening? Are we hurting ourselves by saving more money at the pumps or, the grocery store by finding new and better ways to produce cleaner and more effeciant ways of doing things? I think not!!! Who wants to stand up for the huge companies around the world that jack up our travel costs as well as food costs??? No one with half a brain does!!! Who has the money to pay some scientist to come up with their own hypothesis??? Big oil,& electric companies!!! If global warming is true or not, can any of the scientist that fight against the global warming theory predict how long it will be before gas prices go down, and how much oil we have left to survive on?? I think not!!! When you throw a bunch of charts and grafs in the picture, how many can truly say who is more right?? Not many but, we do see the effects everyday of pollution and its many bad effects besides the global warming that they call a theory. What harm does it do the public, to have cheaper transportation & food prices??? None!!! What harm does the global warming fact have on the companies that produce our electric and oil??? Many!!! What would they do if we all found cheaper ways??? They would eventually over a long period of time go broke!!! That is their scare!!! If you had the choice of having a totally self sufficient home that produced its own power, and a car that could take you many times cheaper to many places than what it costs now, would you go for it?? How many would pay someone else a ton of money over many years for something that you can do for yourself allot cheaper?? Not many!!! They want to brainwash many into ignoring the panic when their own wallets are affected by restrictions. So, who is to say that this guy isnt taking a big pay off by them?? Would you stand up and give a speech saying something didnt exist that really did for money?? Most would!!! The real science that is portrayed here is the science of not fact but, deception!!! Lets just say that for argument sake that global warming was a myth, would you be happy still paying higher prices for everything due to the cost of oil??? I wanna see all the people who dont believe in global warming to start giving the people that work at gas stations a tip, and thank them for gas being so unaffordable. Maybe then they can afford to drive to work themselves with the extra money they make off of all the morons that tip them on their minimum wage jobs!!! The people that believe that global warming is not happening wants the rest of society to think that we are saying the sky is falling.  But, in reality we are only building an arc to stay afloat while in the end they drown in their own stupidity, greed, and propaganda!!! Save our wallets and the earth at the same time, or promote the hogs that only eat more and take a dump on us??? I dont criticize the man, I question his integrity, and honesty!!! And if global warming is a myth really, what about all the polluted cities that people are suffering from health effects from the pollution? Is he gonna tell them that their polluted drinking water is just all in their head too when many are dying from cancers, tumors, and having breathing problems? Repeat the mantra??? Whatever!!! Repeat the truth, yeah it hurts dont it!!! Sorry big oil, you have caused enough trouble to us personally and politically!!!!! YOUR FIRED!!!

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