
Can anyone read me fertility chart PLEASE!!!!!! I'm giving up hope?

by  |  earlier

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Please tell what I need to do differently??? Also, this month I have heavy spotting w/discharge (but go off and come righ back on the next day) This has been going on since July 17th until now. A few days ago, I'm spotting a little, w/brown discharge.





  1. You could be pregnant...take a test.

  2. the charting was very difficult for me to follow when i was trying to get pregnant, my fertility dr told me to buy a digital ovulation predictor kit--so i did ($40 at wal-greens) and i am so glad i bought it--so easy to read, you start testing on day 11 or 12 of your cycle and test until you get a positive reading--if you have not gotten a positive reading by like day 18 or 20 stop testing as you will probably not ovulate that late into your cycle and then try again next month--once you get a positive reading, have s*x that day and the next 2 days after that--so 3 days in a row and then stay laying down abt 15-30 mon after s*x---give it a try and good luck!!!

  3. It doesnt look like you are ovulating. Have you gone to the dr. to get on meds?

  4. Hmmm, your temps aren't looking good for ovulation at all, and I would seriously go to your doc about all that spotting and bleeding, I don't think that is normal at all, it could be a sign that one of your hormones are too low and needs supplementing etc and does need medical opinion on it incase they can do that to help improve your chances to conceive.

    See your doc I don't think there is anything you can do on your own that will change things. Good Luck

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