
Can anyone recomend a school or teacher in Cebu city or Mactan island where I can study Bisaya?

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I'm English but I hope to move to Lapu Lapu next year and I realy want to learn Bisiya. As of now my Bisaya is so limited. I know when I try to speak people think its funny but when iI live in Cebu I want to speak the language so I will be accepted!




  1. There is a book at National Book Store with common words and phrases English to Cebuano.  Learn what you can but don't try to speak it. They use you for comedy entertainment.  Its not likely they will accept you beyond the few people you live near and see every day and then only if you behave in a way they approve.  Learn the language for your own benefit so when your "friends" are verbally hammering you to each other you know whats up.  They do that to all foreigners.  Its a common practice there especially among vendors, taxi drivers, cashiers, waitresses, and just about anybody else Filipino.  You'll see.  When they know you can understand them, they suddenly become scared and quiet.

  2. I started by learning what is so often called "Bedroom English" he he the extra curricular benefits are often hard to put in words but you soon pick up on the OO, OO  Ingat ka.  

  3. I'm sure there are many resources at local bookstores over there. Don't get intimidated by the language as long as you have fun and actually use the language everyday they say you'll learn to communicate properly in less than six months. Have you tried you searching the internet? There are many ways to learn bisaya online perhaps  you can use this online resources to familiarize yourself with the language even before you move to Lapu Lapu.

    this video for example is just one of the few around the web that teaches simple bisaya.

    Good Luck!

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