
Can anyone recomend books,for research into a possible link between art & design and dislexia?

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Im looking for some good books to gather research into finding out if there is a possible link between artistic peole and dyslexia. Also books on art therapy.




  1. For starters, look at Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain, which I believe was written by Martin Scorscese's ex-wife.  I'll do some research, and get back to you.  You're right:  There is most definitely an already established connection.

  2. That is a really interesting question. I have noticed that many art, design, creative etc people are left handed.  I have also seen this in people I have met that are dyslexic.  Don't have answer just throw that out.  Check the library for books, especially University libraries

  3. I don't know of any books on the subject but my two sons are dyslexic and they are very artistic and both have A levels in Art and Design. The Dyslexia Institute may be able to help you.

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